Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Day 20 of TOW: Defining Success in Relationships

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV Season 3 Episode 20

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What does success in relationships truly mean, and how can you recognize it when it arrives at your doorstep? Join Dr. Tiff as we unravel the intricacies of defining and identifying successful relationships in Day 20 of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge. This episode is all about dismantling preconceived notions and types that might not serve our best interests. 

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About Our Host:

Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at

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Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Well, wouldn't you know? It is Day 20 of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge. I can't believe it. We are at Day 20. That is Day 20 of the challenge, Day 21 of me doing podcasts. It is insanity, absolute insanity, but I have loved every minute. I'm so excited that we are doing this together because it is a collective effort. I wouldn't show up if I didn't know that I was showing up for you. I'm excited to be able to do this work and to provide this Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. I am your host, Dr Tiffanie Davis Henry, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to go back, honey, because for the past 20 days really 21 days we have been talking about The ONE Within 30- Day Journaling Challenge. Doors are closed to the challenge. So if you were trying to be a part of the community, you still can. You can go to www. D rTiffanirHenry. com and sign up for our email list, and that gives you immediate access to all that we have to offer. So when the next challenge comes, when there are different challenges that are coming, I'm pretty confident that we're going to have another challenge around Valentine's Day and that our program is going to launch. Our our 12- week program will be launching soon as well, but if you want to be amongst the first to know about those things, you got to sign up for emails. You got to sign up for the email list because I push out content regarding that, regarding our mantra Mondays, regarding all the things at least once a week.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Obviously, participants in this challenge because it's a 30 day challenge they're getting an email every day, but that is not the norm, because your girl just can't be who got that kind of time to be sending emails every day. Okay, it's me. Okay, I don't have that kind of time, nor do I want to open emails every day. So, for those of you that have been opening the emails, god bless, I thank you, I appreciate you for recognizing the work that it took to get those things out, because, I'm telling you, I don't like opening emails, I don't like sending emails, but in order to remind you of this challenge every day, it's been the most effective. I think I want to move to a system though for the next, maybe future, challenges where I can send a text message, cause I feel like that's a little less intrusive. I don't know if that's less intrusive, but definitely it doesn't clutter the inbox as much. Anyway, neither here nor there, we're at Day 20 of The ONE Within 30-D ay Challenge.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

I say all that to say um, Day 20s prompt is about defining success, and what we're looking for is what does a successful relationship look like to you? This is going to be different for everybody. What does a successful relationship look like to you and how will you know when you found it? How will you know when you found it? We talked about, several days ago now, types and what our types are and how we may have, in the past, been very honed in on looking for a specific type of person, but we also talked about how sometimes our type, the thing that we are looking for, is not always the best thing for us. We have an idea of what we want in a relationship, but when the rubber meets the road, honey, and when we get that thing, it ain't all is cracked up to be. It's not giving what we thought it was going to give. Ok, he may look a certain way. She may have a certain education, look a certain way, she may have a certain education. She may, you know, walk into the room and own it, but maybe may also carry some baggage or some characteristics that we hadn't really planned on because we were so laser focused on that type and we missed those things.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So, for today's prompt, I don't want you to focus on what the person you know, maybe the red flags that we missed or the mistakes that we made I want you to really think about and you may, you know, go back to the prompt that we did a few days ago to help jog your memory on this one, on the prompt about dreaming our dream relationship and what that looks like. But what is your? What does success? What is a successful relationship? How will you know if this is it, if this relationship is really like, successful, if it's legit? How will you know? When you found it? How will you know that this is the? How do you know? How do you know what will be? What will be the indicator? What are the indicators to let you know that this is, this is what I've been waiting on, this is what I wanted all these years. How will you know? How will you know so that this is what I've been waiting on, this is what I wanted all these years? How will you know? How will you know? So that's what today's prompt is about.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Hopefully, we can paint a picture. You can paint a picture for yourself to let you know what that's going to look like, because oftentimes, people, we're waiting for something, a word, we're waiting for something that's already there. Sometimes success is sitting right in front of us. Sometimes that thing that we need, that thing we've been craving, that thing we've been wanting, because we've been so laser focused and this is why I started talking about type earlier Sometimes we're so laser focused on what we think we want that isn't necessarily for us or best for us that we don't recognize that the things that are most important to us that we really need and make our relationship a success and make it successful. Maybe those qualities are already there and I just haven't appreciated them, or maybe they're not there at all, but I want you to be able to articulate what success looks like so that when it does show up, when it does land in your lap, that you know what it is, you recognize it for what it is, that you appreciate it and you, you hang on to it, you hang on to it, you hang on to it. All right, that's my hope for you. All right.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Short one today. Look at us, short and sweet and to the point. It is day 20. We're done with that. You guys go ahead and finish that up Shouldn't take you more than five minutes and I'll see you right back here tomorrow, day 21.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Do you notice how I didn't say yet that I don't know if I'm going to make it to 30? Actually, we're at 20. That means I've got 10 more days left of the challenge to put up an episode, for 10 more days. The fact that I've done 20 means I could probably do another 10. Look at God. Won't he do it, won't he Will? Okay, so I've done 20. I think we can do 10. I'm a little bit more optimistic that I can make it to 30 now that we are at 20. An absolute mess, but I am. I'm happy. I'm happy that we're doing this. I'm happy that we're doing it together.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

All right, if you have any challenges, any comments, if you want to share feedback on this challenge, if you want to share feedback on this particular journal prompt, you can do so one of two ways. If you did not officially sign up for the challenge with me on DrTiffanieHenrycom, it's okay, you can text me. Go to the show notes of this podcast. There's a little link there right at the top where you can text me. Push that. Text me. Let me know how it's going for you, what insights you're gaining, how this is working for you, how it's transforming you, what you're thinking now about your relationships, what revelations you've had.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

I want to hear it. I want to hear it. I'm nosy. I want to know If you did sign up for the challenge and you're part of the one within community. Underneath this prompt, there's a section for comments. You can, when you go into the portal to pull up your journal prompt for the day, you can go ahead and enter in a comment and that will let us let me know and let the group know, because this is a community thing. Okay, you can let us know what revelations you've had, what insights you've had, what success is going to look like for you going forward into a relationship, and how you're going to know if you found it All right. All right, loves. Take care of yourselves, please, and I'll see you. I'm pretty confident that I'll see you tomorrow, if the Lord says the same. All right, talk.

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