Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff
A safe space for intimate conversations with some of the most dynamic and magnetic people you'll ever want to meet, Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is like sitting down with your favorite bougie auntie, bestie, therapist. So grab yourself a drink and a nosh, pull up a chair and lean all the way in. We're going deep and it promises to be one helluva ride.
Hosted by: Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry
Produced & Edited by: Rideia Wilson
Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff
Day 29 of TOW: Understanding Your "Why"
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Have you ever wondered why some relationships last as long as they do or why they end the way they did? Today's episode prompts you to reflect on the journey of self-discovery as you uncover how your perceptions of yourself and your relationships have transformed over the past 29 days during The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge.
Broadcasting, again, from a unique setting—her car—Dr. Tiff offers a gentle yet powerful reminder that your personal development is your responsibility. While external relationships may be beyond your control, the journey of becoming 'The ONE' starts from within.
About Our Host:
Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at
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All interviews are available for viewing on YouTube. Click the link below or tap HERE to WATCH EACH EPISODE!
Hi, there, it's Dr Tiff, and this is Intimate Details with Dr Tiff, and we are on Day 29 of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge. As you can see, I'm still in my car. Okay, I got a few more minutes, so I'm going to record another episode, if you don't mind. Okay, Day 29 of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge. And you know, just so that we can keep it short, sweet to the point, because again got to go pick up my fave, my little 10 year old. I just wanted to go ahead, since I had the time to go ahead and record this episode, because who knows, who knows what I'll be doing. I do know what I'll be doing on 29. So you may get this episode, you may not. Anyway, final reflections. We're at the end of the road, almost we're at the cul-de-sac, okay, in the driveway, and today is all about final reflections for Day 29.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Now take a moment to reflect on some of your initial journal prompts, your initial journal entries. How has your perception of yourself and your most recent or current relationship changed? This is deep. I don't necessarily expect that this is going to take all day, but I do want you to really go back through. You now have 29 days worth of content, of insight, of revelations and transformations that have come to you over the past 29 days, 28 days prior to today. Right, take a moment. It might take more than five minutes. Take a moment, reflect on some of those initial readings.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Now, throughout this challenge, I've been telling you we'll go back and forth. We did that at least two times. Okay, but I'm asking you to thumb back through some of the lessons that we've already done, some of the journal entries that we've already done, and really look at yourself. This is, these are your writings, your journal, right? Look at what you've written, see if any of it continues to resonate with you, if it still feels as authentic as it did on the day that you wrote it. Okay, you may notice that your perception of yourself, your perception of your current relationship, your perception of even some of the past relationships, have changed. As you learn more about yourself and as you learn more about your why, you will begin to understand why relationships may have lasted as long as they did, why they ended the way that they did, why you might have struggled in the way that you did, why you couldn't get the outcome that you might've wanted. Okay, and I told you this also at the beginning of this process the only person we can change, the only person we can work on here, is you. That's what this whole process has been about working on you, figuring out what you needed. You individually needed to work on, pointing those things out for you so that you could get started on that work.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:I so understand that every issue in a relationship is not about you. Okay, I understand that there are some things that are caused by and are the responsibility of others. What I also understand and know is that we can't change that. We can't change them. You can't change them. The only person that you can work on is you. Now, if someone agrees to make some changes, that is on them to do. That's their work.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:What we are working on here, with the one within, is your work becoming the one, becoming the one, becoming the one. I guess at some point I should tell you what the one means. It won't be today. I'll probably tell you tomorrow. I'll probably tell you because it's the last day, but just know that you've been doing everything in order to be the one. We've been doing everything in order for you to be the one this whole time. So know that you're already on the right path. So, this whole time, so know that you're already on the right path.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:So for today, for today's journal prompts, I'll read it again. It is our final reflection. Take a moment to reflect on some of your initial journal entries. And what you're writing about today is how has your perception of yourself and your most recent or current relationship changed from the beginning of the process to now? So you're looking at yourself, looking at your relationships, looking at your thoughts, looking at your feelings, looking at your baggage, looking at your triggers, looking at your habits. You know what you brought into the relationship, what you shouldn't have brought into the relationship. We're looking at all of those things. Right, we're looking about, at how we felt about those things previously and how we feel and what we think about those things now. I don't want to say guarantee, but I almost guarantee that 90% of what you felt day one, day two, day three, your feelings about those things might've evolved by now.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:So I really do want you to go back to the beginning, look at what you wrote, see how you feel and see what changed, see if you might be able to offer yourself a little bit more grace, see if you might be able to offer yourself a little bit more compassion, see if you might want to take a little bit more responsibility. Or maybe you've had some revelations and think a lot more clearly and more holistically about a situation and, like you know what, I do want to own this, but that was. I had nothing to do with that. That was not me, you know. So look back through it, get through it, and tomorrow is day 30.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:I'm almost, almost gonna shed a thug tear. I'm a little sad that we're we're at the end, but the end just means a new beginning. A new beginning. All right guys. This will probably this will be the last one for my car. I can't do all my episodes from the car, but this lets me know that if I am in a pinch and I need to do an episode in my car, I can do it. I can do an episode in my car. All right guys, have a great day. I love you so much and I'll see you tomorrow on day 30. Day 30 we're almost there. All right guys, take care bye.