Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Day 27: My Mantra & My Mission

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV Season 3 Episode 27

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Want to unlock the secret to attracting the love you desire without losing yourself? As we near the end of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge, we explore the power of manifestation by setting your intention through affirmations. In today's episode, Dr. Tiff reveals her mission to help women learn how to effortlessly attract the love that they deserve while focusing on their own growth and transformation. It's this mission that fuels her work with women and is the cornerstone of her upcoming program, Become The ONE.

About Our Host:

Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at

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Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Hi, there it's me, Dr. Tiff. Welcome to Intimate Details with Dr Tiff and the One Within 30 Day Journaling Challenge. We are on Day 27. It is also if you follow me @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram at . You also know that today is Mantra Monday.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Mantra Monday is a little thing that I do over on the Instagram and it is where I give you guys a little mantra for Monday before the week, something that we can all just continue to affirm ourselves, meditate on, really think about and process how we move within and throughout our relationships. I'll be honest, this is for the ladies, which is that's where I'm coming from. Okay, you guys are my, you're my people, you're my audience, and so most of them, if you read my captions and everything, I'm really speaking towards the individuals that I serve, and I serve. Women teach, and I don't think I like formally said this, but here it is, I'll say it now. I am on a mission to help women learn how to effortlessly attract the love they wish to call in, the love that they desire and deserve, while focusing on their own growth and transformation. That is my mission, that is what I do, okay, and so Mantra Monday is about giving them words and language, empowerment, encouragement to move forward with that mission and vision of mine. Okay, so every Monday on Instagram I do post a new post for Mantra Monday. That really speaks to that. And I posted something today and I'm going to get into that in a minute. But back to the day. It's day 27 of the one within 30 day journaling challenge. Right, we only have a few days to go.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when I don't have a podcast episode to post every day. I know what I'm not going to do post a podcast episode every day but I do have to reframe because I'm like, ooh, I've gotten into a little rhythm. This would be difficult for me to maintain, you know, all year long, but I can see myself doing weekly. I could also see myself doing bi-weekly. Part of the reason why I have to take breaks and do seasons is a lot, and in my podcast, historically, you guys can go back and look at previous seasons and iterations of the podcast we mostly interview guests and that does take a lot of work a lot of coordination, a lot of effort, a lot of editing, a lot of effort, a lot of editing and a lot of pre-interview type stuff, but this has been something that I can pull together really quickly.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

I told you guys in the first episode of this season that one of the things I realized about myself was that I wasn't necessarily showing up as much as I wanted to with the podcast, because hair wasn't done, makeup wasn't done, I wasn't done, and it was so much work. I wanted to with the podcast because hair wasn't done, makeup wasn't done, I wasn't done, and it was so much work. But this not that it's not a lot of work, because it is, but it's much easier for me to like batch record and get a lot of things done. So I've just found a way, a more efficient way, of doing this podcast that I like. I still still love doing interviews and talking with people and I have some conversations coming up that I am really interested in doing and providing and showing giving to you guys, because it's part of the same service. But you know, I think we can do. I think we can do a little more going forward. It just won't be like this.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So, anyway, we are on to day 27 of the One Within Challenge. I promise all of this is going to come together All right, and day 27 is about manifesting love. Manifesting love. Here's the prompt. Write down five affirmations that align with the loving relationship that you desire. Write down five affirmations that align with a loving relationship you desire. Then I want you to repeat these affirmations aloud to yourself daily. This may take some time, but the beauty of you doing this challenge within me is that I've been giving you affirmations for weeks now, not just at the start of this challenge.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

We, we started doing Mantra Monday, I want to say maybe back in September of last year, maybe even before. It was before, but I didn't officially like call it or have a format to it. I was doing it in a little bit of a different way. But Mantra Monday has been a thing and it's going to continue to be a thing, because I think that the mantras that we put out, the affirmations that we put out, are very much appreciated by the community. I get a lot of good feedback from them, a lot of shares, and I invite you to share them. If you're not already following me on Instagram, please do so. Please repost, please share, please save those mantras so that, when they are applicable to you if there aren't in this moment that you have them, and that, if you know someone who could use that level of encouragement and those kind words that you send it to them, so that they are reminded how awesome they are, how wonderful they are and how loved they should be in every area of their life.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So write down five affirmations that align with the loving relationship you desire. Then repeat these affirmations aloud to yourself daily. I'm going to share with you what today's Mantra Monday is, just to give you a taste of what a mantra should be. Okay. So today's Mantra Monday I am not chasing love, I'm attracting it by staying true to me. I am not chasing love, I'm attracting it by staying true to me. Now I say I love this. Of course I loved it, I wrote it.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

But one of the things that I really do appreciate about today's mantra and everything that I've said already today, the program that we are cultivating here, the program of the becoming the one, is all about shifting focus. It is about being authentically who we are. It is about claiming exactly what we want in our relationships. One of the reasons why I created and have been working so diligently to create this program Become the One is because of my years of practice with women who so desperately and I think we all do. We all want to be loved, we all want to be in relationship. It is a primal need for all of us to be in relationship, to be in community, to be loved, to commune with one another. It is something that is very necessary and vital to our existence as human beings. But one of the things that I've seen in my practice over the years is this desire to have a relationship, a loving relationship, so badly that we can sometimes compromise our own beliefs, our own values, our own worth in order to be in a relationship.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

And here's the other thing I think we've all kind of, at some point in our lives, started saying hey, you know, I want, I'm looking for the one, I want the one, I want the one, I want to find the one. And what I want to encourage women to do is to stop looking for the one. We're not chasing after the one, we're not trying to find the one. What I want you to do is to become the one. You are the one, you are the prizes, you are the one that they are looking for. Okay, we're not looking for the one, we're becoming the one. Everything that I need to do and work on and be and have. I need to cultivate that within me, and once I do that, I will begin to attract the love that I so deeply deserve and desire.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

When we are focused outwardly on finding that thing, we are not focused on ourselves, we are not focused on being, we are not focused on being the best person that we can be right, we're not fixing our shortcomings, we're not identifying patterns and habits. That's what this challenge is about. This challenge is about us calling ourselves on our own bullshit, about us getting out of our own way, about us cleaning up our own mess, not sweeping things under the rug anymore, identifying the areas in which we have to improve so that when the one walks by us, game recognizes, game, they see us, they understand. Oh my gosh, this is the one that I've been looking for, okay, and not the other way around. You are the one that they are looking for. My job is to help you uncover it, help you see it for yourself, help you identify all of the things that maybe have been getting in your way of becoming the one in the past, so that in the future, as you move forward within and throughout either your current relationship or the previous relationship, you understand your worth, your value, what you bring to the table, baggage and all, and that when things show up in your life when the past trauma or the bad habits or negativity or any of those things when they show up in your life, you recognize it, because that's what we've been doing this whole time, right? You recognize your patterns and you say, uh-uh, I know where this is coming from and that has nothing to do with where we are right now. So, rather than bring this into this relationship, I'm going to assess how I'm really feeling about what's going on, address it, nurture it, do whatever I need to do to make sure that it doesn't impact negatively this relationship. Okay, so that is what today is about. It's kind of a full circle moment for me and for us in this challenge.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Today's mantra so I'm giving you one, I'm asking you to come up with five. This means you only have four more to do. Today's mantra is part of mantra Monday is I'm not chasing love, I'm attracting it by staying true to me. Okay, I am not chasing love, I'm attracting it by staying true to me. Now you do four more affirmations and say them to yourself daily. You can put them.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

I have a gang of sticky notes. I keep sticky notes on my desk, in my desk, on the walls where I can, on the mirror, where I can put mantras everywhere when I need to be reminded, they're right there. Put them in your car, put them in your lunch pail, put them in your notebooks and your journals. Put them everywhere, put them on the TV wherever you know you're going to be, look at them, say them out loud, own them, be them. Okay, all right, sis, I love you so much and I thank you for doing this challenge challenge, for doing the work. We only got a few days to go. This has been day 27. Tomorrow is day 28 of the one within 30 day journaling challenge. We are in the homestretch this. I'll see you tomorrow.

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