Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff
A safe space for intimate conversations with some of the most dynamic and magnetic people you'll ever want to meet, Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is like sitting down with your favorite bougie auntie, bestie, therapist. So grab yourself a drink and a nosh, pull up a chair and lean all the way in. We're going deep and it promises to be one helluva ride.
Hosted by: Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry
Produced & Edited by: Rideia Wilson
Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff
Day 26 of TOW: My, How You've Grown!
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We may be in the final days of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge, but we're not finished yet. Today on the podcast, we're unlocking profound self-awareness and transforming your relationships by understanding your triggers. Join Dr. Tiff as we revisit the emotional insights identified earlier in our journey, helping you to see whether these triggers are still relevant or have become remnants of your past.
About Our Host:
Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at
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Hi there, welcome to Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. I am Dr Tiffanie Davis Henry and this is Day 26 of the One Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge, ah 26. We have four more days to go. Can you imagine?
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:I did not know what to expect out of this process when we first started. I didn't know that we would. I really didn't believe that I would be doing a podcast 30 straight days so that we could do this challenge together for those that weren't able or didn't know about it or just didn't sign up for whatever reason. But I am glad that we have made it this far and we only have just a smidge to go. You only have a smidge to go. So today is 26, day 26 of the challenge. So today is 26, day 26 of the challenge and I'm hoping that you guys are all caught up, because if you're not caught up, you're going to need to get caught up. At the beginning of this challenge and throughout this challenge, I've been encouraging you to catch up, because I've also told you throughout this challenge that there would be days where we will go back to previous entries so that we could complete the entry of the day, and today is one of those days. So if you have not completed your previous entries, I'm going to ask that you pause right here and go back to the ones that you have not completed, specifically day 10, because that's where we're going back to today. All right, let's go ahead and read today's prompt and get started. Okay, no time to tarry, ain't no time to tarry y'all, all right?
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Day 26 is all about self-reflection, self-reflection, and the prompt reads take a minute to reflect on your day 10 emotional triggers. Have you noticed any patterns or insights related to them in the weeks since then? Again, take a minute to reflect on your day 10 emotional triggers and have you noticed any patterns or insights related to them in the weeks since then? Now, if you have not done day 10, you're going to need to go back to day 10. But part of why I wanted to keep you guys moving forward in this challenge I'm not saying you can't do it, because, again, this is your challenge, your journal. Do what you want, sis but part of this whole process, the process as a whole, as a whole is about your growth and transformation, and what we know about growth and transformation is that it's not instantaneous, right. We don't magically grow and transform overnight. It is an evolution. It is an emergence right, and that's part of what I teach in the program, and you guys are going to learn more program going forward In the future. You'll learn about the program. Anyway, growth is not instantaneous, you know. You don't grow five feet overnight. It's over time. And so part of this challenge is that things are going to start to make sense. You are going to start to transform and grow over the course of the 30 days. So it doesn't make much sense for me to say to you go back and do day 10 and then jump back over here to day 26, because a lot happened between day 10 and day 26. If you, if you know, you know, if you've been doing this with us every day, you understand that a lot of things have changed, a lot of thoughts have changed. You've gained new insights. You think differently about some of the things that you wrote earlier on, which is why we're reflecting back. So for today, I really do, if you haven't done day 10 or any of the days in between, I do want you to go back and do those days and give yourself some time to let it all marinate. Give yourself some grace. It's okay if you didn't get them all done in order or in the time frame, it's okay. But give yourself some time to get those things done. Really think, be thoughtful about it, digest it and then come back to day 26 so that you can then go back and reflect. Okay, if you just go and do day 10 right now and then come back to day 26, there's a lot that you're missing in there that may change how you feel about the things you wrote on day 10. Okay, so. So there's that All right, if you're caught up and you're ready. Day 26 is all about self-reflection. Take a minute to reflect on your day 10 emotional triggers. Have you noticed any patterns or insights related to them in the weeks since then? We've done so much between day 10 and now. I'm going to go back to day 10, just to read that prompt to you and you guys can pull this up as we're doing it so you can remember.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:I do want you to go back and see what you wrote. It's amazing to me, especially with this one, how differently we feel about things even with. Just what has that been? It's been like what? 16 days, so two weeks? Is that two weeks? Yes, it's two weeks. Two weeks since we wrote this right?
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:The question for day 10 was, or the prompt for day 10, identify three emotional triggers that commonly arise in your relationship and what are their origins. This one I do remember getting a message from someone who was on this journey with us and just saying this one took them out. This one took them out because not only was it thinking about how I show up emotionally in my relationships, it's also about why I show up this way in my relationships. Where did this start? This is about our emotional baggage. This question is about what we, how we were left feeling in a relationship based on something that happened, and then how we carry that into new relationships, whether or not the person in the new relationship is doing or not doing that thing that triggers us emotionally. Right? So for today's prompt, you're looking back at the emotional triggers that you identified, the origins, where it all started, why you feel the way that you feel.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Okay, and then taking a moment now, with all of the insights that you've gained, to reflect on your emotional triggers, what those things are and if you are noticing any patterns or any more insights any more, whys why you're doing it, why you continue to do it, why this has been your go-to, why this has been a defense mechanism for you, why you've leaned on this rather than perhaps addressing the root cause, addressing the trauma that was inflicted, addressing your hurt and your pain. Okay, so today is it can be pretty quick. I say that all the time. I'm like it's only going to take five minutes and then you're struggling with it all day. I don't mean for you to struggle with this all day. It should be something that, if you've done the work okay, if you've been doing the work you know exactly what to put here, because it is it's about your growth throughout this process.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Okay, we're at day 26. I know you can do it. I believe in you. Okay, I have all the confidence in the world that you will be able to, uh, rock this one out and, uh, give us exactly, give yourself, uh, uh, some updates on how you're feeling, about those patterns, about those insights and what you've learned about yourself and your emotional triggers whether you continue to claim them or whether they're a thing of the past that you can identify those for today. And that's all we got today. Okay, it should be easy. Breezy, let me squeeze, all right. All right, you guys, this has been day 26. I'll see you tomorrow for day 27. Bye.