Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Day 22: Wishing I Could Take My Bra Off

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV Season 3 Episode 22

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Imagine navigating the ups and downs of life while striving to remain true to yourself in every relationship. Today's episode invites you to confront the inauthentic version of yourself and how it can impact our connections. Maintaining a facade may seem easier, but it often leads to hollow and unsatisfying bonds. Together, we'll ponder the moments we've felt the need to hide our true selves in relationships and strategize ways to ensure our authenticity shines through in both present and future partnerships.

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About Our Host:

Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at

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Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Hello and welcome to Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. I'm your host, Dr Tiffanie Davis Henry, and today is Day 22 of the One Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge. My God, today you guys are probably used to me posting your journal prompt videos, the videos that we do for the podcast, for the journal prompt. Y'all are probably used to me now trying to get those out as early as possible In full disclosure. If you did not know, you probably would have peeped this. If you're watching these videos on YouTube, which watch them on YouTube, why wouldn't you? If you've been watching it on YouTube, you know, or probably figured out, that I sometimes will batch record, meaning that I will record several episodes together. And this is just so that I don't have to physically come into the office, pull out the microphone and record every day. I can just do each of the prompts, you know, maybe five days at a time, and go ahead and get half of the work done by going ahead and scheduling and uploading. It's just a more efficient way of doing it and you never know what the day may bring. You know, I like to think, oh, I'm going to do this tomorrow at this time, but then you know, something happens this tomorrow at this time. But then you know, something happens Today. I'm recording this on the 21st, but this is the 22nd journal challenge that we're doing today. But it's the 21st and my daughter is out of school today because they anticipate inclement weather. Inclement weather is not here, it is very cold weather, but she could have gone to school. So you can imagine in anybody else in this scenario, like you know, when things like that happen your whole day, everything you had planned for the day is not happening. So I'm glad that I had it pre-recorded, but I say all that to say your best laid plans do not get you laid like you planned. They don't.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Because yesterday, which would have been the 21st day, which is technically today, I have been trying to edit the journal prompt for the 21st day of the One Within Journaling Challenge for all of 24 hours. There's been something wrong with the platform and it's just taken forever and, honestly, I've listened to it so many times and tried to go through it so many times and it just keeps freezing on me. So whatever is uploaded is that's. I was at my wit's end. That's just what you're going to get. Ok, it's not that it's bad, it's just I. There were some things that I purposely repeated a couple of times because I knew I would be able to edit it out and because the system kept crashing on me, I couldn't edit those things out. So I mean, forgive me, you know, not perfect, never tried to let you know that I was. I never tried to take on a perfect persona. But here we are, here we are. So we are. Officially, though, today's video is for day 22 of the one within uh journaling challenge, um, and I'll let you know.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

I am going to prerecord the next couple episodes because, uh, tomorrow, the 23rd, I'm going to be going out of town. I'm going to New York to record an episode for Drew Barrymore. Oh Jesus, a mess. This is how my day has been going too. By the way, excuse me, I'm so sorry. Oh, my microphone wasn't micing. Let me make sure. I think it is still. I think we are back. Yeah, we're back. All right, everything back. No, not back. Yes, we're back, okay, yeah. So I'm going to be going to New York to record an episode of the Drew Barrymore show and it will air on Valentine's day. It is a Valentine's day episode, so I'm super excited to be going up there and doing that. But because I'm traveling, because I cannot predict my day and what will or won't go wrong, I'm going to try and go ahead and record several episodes for the next few days so that you guys get your episodes. Now, if you don't get them human, okay, things happen, but I'm going to try my best to be my best for you all. So that's a little bit about what's going on in my life, and now we're onto yours and day 22 of the challenge.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So let's see what today's journal prompt is. Today, day 22 is authenticity in love. Think of a time you felt you couldn't be your authentic self in a relationship. How can you ensure your authenticity in future relationships? Now, this is the way this question, this prompt, is written assumes that you can be if you are currently partnered. First of all, it assumes that you're not partnered right now, which may not be the case. I think we're split, I believe like half and half. I think half of the folks that are doing this challenge are not partnered with anyone and half of you are, which is fine If you are partnered with someone, because this assumes that you're not and that you're thinking about previous relationships it could be that you're partnered and you aren't being your authentic self in your current relationship. That is totally, totally feasible. So just think about most recent and also previous relationships and then how you want to ensure authenticity going forward. If you are in a relationship, if you're not in future relationships, so think of a time when you felt you couldn't be your authentic self in a relationship. Might be this one, might be a previous one how can you ensure authenticity in future relationships or going forward, going forward?

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So one of the things that I think can really lead to the demise of a relationship is not showing up as yourself, and it seems like that is that's kind of a no brainer. But I think one of the things that we all do when we show up in relationships, especially new relationships, especially with people that don't know us from a can of paint, we show up in relationships, especially new relationships, especially with people that don't know us from a can of paint. We show up as our best selves, and sometimes our best selves or the best presentation of ourselves is not necessarily one that we can be consistent with. Right. When you show up, for example, when you um and this is back in, I know, jobs are different now and how we apply for jobs is so different, um, but if you ever applied for a job and went in for an interview interview, you show up hopefully um, I don't know what they're doing today.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

You show up in your best outfit, you show up with your best attitude. Maybe you fix your hair perfectly, maybe you wear the right amount of makeup and the right lip for the environment. Maybe you speak in a very maybe you're code switching and you're speaking in a very dignified tone, very dignified tune. Maybe you know you arrive 10, 15 minutes early. You know you want to make a good impression and I think that's what we do a lot of times in dating relationships and a lot of our relationships. We want so much for the person to see the best of who we are, who we can be, so we show up in a way that presents our best selves, right.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

The challenge is keeping it all together, just like on that job. You know that is why we have 90 day reviews, because they have figured out that it takes about 90 days to get to know somebody on a job. And you know you might've been early at the interview and early the first couple of days, but let's talk about after, you know, the first few weeks, first few months, are you still showing up early? Are you starting to drag in 10, 15 minutes late? You know you were very eager to get started on this job and had a very tenacious spirit, took things on without being asked. But as things go on, do you kind of get complacent and lazy. Are you as much of a self-starter or are you a procrastinator? Like those? Things start to show up after time.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

And I think also in relationship. When we look at this prompt, we have to admit that sometimes we don't show up as authentically as we probably could or should. And sometimes, you know, we hide pieces of ourselves because we want to be accepted, we want to be liked, we want to be in relationship. Perhaps we're lonely. So I want you to think about how in previous relationship maybe you didn't show up as authentically as you, right and for whatever reason that might have been, and how you can ensure that the person that shows up in the future is absolutely and unapologetically you.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

It takes a lot of growth, it takes a lot of courage to be you, to be exactly who you are, knowing that some people won't approve of it, knowing that it's not everybody's cup of tea, and certainly there are things that we all want, we all want to be able to. You know that feeling, that feeling that you get when you walk in the house, ladies, and you just take your bra off. That is who you really are. That's who you really are. That's who you want to be. You want that level of comfort with a person that you're partnered with. That's what we're searching for.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So think back to a time where, mentally, emotionally, physically, metaphorically, you didn't feel that you could take your bra off. Think back to that relationship. And then how do you show up for yourself and show up in relationship that ensures that you will be able to do that in either your current relationship or in a future relationship? Ok, so think about that, write it all down, read through it and just kind of, you know, ponder some ways in which you can be as true to yourself and what you can be is true to yourself.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Because what's wild, what's wild and why this being inauthentic ends up kind of biting us in the ass is that it's just too difficult to hold together and people will fall in love with the inauthentic version of you, and I don't think that that's what you want. I don't think that that's what you want? I don't think that that's what you want. I think you want them to fall in love with something that is sustainable, the person that you can be when nobody's looking, the person that you can be all the time. So let's look at that today and I will see you, or you will see me tomorrow, hopefully for the 23rd day. All right, talk to you soon. Have a great day, guys. Bye-bye.

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