Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Day 18 of TOW: Flipping The Script On Your Relationships

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV Season 3 Episode 18

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Ever wondered if you could turn the scars of your past into stepping stones toward a brighter, healthier relationship in your future? It's  Day 18 of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge, and we're diving into the transformative art of rewriting painful past narratives into empowering stories. In this episode, Dr. Tiff shares a personal story from a past relationship that taught her the vital lesson of listening to her instincts (and friends/family that knew better). Together, we'll explore how reflecting on difficult memories and envisioning alternative outcomes can reshape our understanding of past events, guiding us to become better versions of ourselves.

Our experiences, no matter how painful, are designed to teach us and facilitate personal development. This episode is a journey of turning pain into power. 

About Our Host:

Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. It's me, dr Tiff, and I'm happy to be here on this, the 18th day of the One Within 30 Day Journaling Challenge. Thank you for being here with me. It has been quite the journey. We are on day 18,. As I said, we're just taking it one day at a time here. People, one day at a time.

Speaker 1:

I hope that yesterday's journal prompt did not take you through there. I'm hoping you know, as we reflected on our dream relationships, that you were able to craft a story, a love story that you can aspire to, and that reality meets you right where your dreams left off. Okay, that is what I am praying for you and hoping for you in the days, weeks, months, years to come when it comes to your relationships. All right, so today is day 18 and today's journal prompt for day 18, we are rewriting the script, or flipping the script, as you will. Okay, it is time to flip the script. I want you to rewrite a painful narrative from your past and transform it into an empowering story that you'd be proud to share. Rewrite a painful narrative from your past and transform it into an empowering story that you'd be proud to share. So I want you to think about those things in doing this particular exercise and this. May you know some of these prompts I say five minutes a day, but some of them, honestly, are going to take you a little bit more than five minutes Just thinking about that painful narrative or that painful time in your life, a painful relationship ending, or maybe it was the whole relationship itself. Sometimes that take just thinking about that takes five minutes. Okay, so I understand that this prompt for some of us may take a little bit longer, but I don't want you to dwell too long on that painful memory, the narrative, the story, the saga, whatever it was in your past relationship. I want you to remember it, but I also want you to rewrite it.

Speaker 1:

Too often, the pain of our past has a tendency to dictate how we move about and flow in our present and future. We allow that pain to stick with us, so much so that it continues. We never take the time to rewrite it. And so today, on this 18th day of the One Within 30 Day Journaling Challenge, I want you to take the time to actually rewrite. I do think there's a point where many of us do take the time to reflect on what we wish we would have said what we wish we had done. If I could go back and do things differently, this is how I would have worked it, this is how I would have confronted it, this is how I would have set a better boundary. All of that, and so that's what I'm asking you to do. I'm asking you to go back to that relationship, to the point where things maybe went wrong or where you saw the first red flag or first warning sign, where you made a mistake that cost you maybe yourself, maybe the relationship as a whole, and think about what you could have done differently. But I want you to just rewrite the story. The moment he said this, that's when, instead of doing that thing that I did, I did this, and this is the outcome that happened, as opposed to what maybe actually happened. I want you to take the time today to really rewrite the narrative. Flip the script, make it what you want. Now the reality is, you may look back on that relationship and see what happened as a blessing.

Speaker 1:

Some of us have some very painful memories, very painful stories, very painful relationship traumas, and we come out of it with the realization that my having gone through that situation has made me a better lover, has made me a better partner, has made me a better mom, has made me a because of what I went through. Not that you wish to go through that again, not that you wish it on your worst enemy, but it caused you to learn something. So I don't want to take away from our past those things that were meant to grow us, because sometimes our past hurts our past. Failures can also be very much teachable moments in our lives. So we don't want to regret it, we just want to reenact it. We do it, do it differently, so that we feel a lot more empowered. We recognize our mistakes, because certainly it's from those relationships that we find out what we like, what we don't like, what we will no longer put up with, and we do make changes. Sometimes we do make changes, but sometimes we repeat those things over and over again because we haven't learned from them yet. So what I want you to do is just rewrite a painful narrative from your past. Maybe it's not listening. Maybe it's not listening to your instincts, to your gut, to your heart. Maybe it's not listening to your mom or a well-meaning friend about you know, someone that you were in a relationship with.

Speaker 1:

I will not say the name, but I do remember that I was in a relationship with someone a very long time ago. I was very young and I had. I was. I was deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deeply, I would say, in love. I thought I was in love but I was not. I know that now. But I was deeply intertwined with said person, deeply intertwined with said person and when I tell you it was, it was just so sickening, like even as I think about it right now, my stomach hurts how much I wanted this relationship to work out. I really did, but deep down, this person was not ready to be in anybody's relationship. Okay, he was not the person that I needed him to be in our relationship.

Speaker 1:

He was in many relationships, but he was very, a very charming, very charming person who was a very good liar. He was a very good liar, very good convincer that he wasn't doing anything. Or maybe he wasn't a very good convincer. Perhaps I was super gullible, perhaps Perhaps, all right, so I was. So yeah, but I do remember that there were people in my life who loved me enough to tell me he ain't worth it, girl, he's not good enough. Guys and girls like friends of mine, like you, really deserve better. You really don't need to be dealing with this Like he is, just he ain't, he ain't no good. Even good friends of his told me, like I don't want to see you get hurt, but dot, dot, dot, dot, dot right.

Speaker 1:

And with so many people telling me what I needed to hear, it wasn't what I wanted to hear. It wasn't what I want to hear. So I could not allow myself to believe what they said or what my gut was telling me. I was listening to what he said. And so it turned out, after a lot of hurt, after a lot of hurt, that I finally got it. It took me a while, but I finally got it, and that's part of why I want to do this challenge is because I want you guys to know that you guys aren't by yourself. I've been through it. I've been through it too. Okay, I understand that pain. I understand that desire for things to work out, even when they feel like they're not. I get not wanting to believe what you already know is true. I get it.

Speaker 1:

Today's journal prompt is about rewriting from a place of empowerment, from a place of badass bitchery Okay, from a place of I know who the fuck I am and I know what I don't deserve. Okay, I want you to rewrite that time in your life where you needed today's you Okay, and if today's you isn't the you that you know you need to be, let it be me. Okay. Write in my voice whatever. Okay, rewrite that painful story from your past. And when I say, rewrite it, don't just write what happened, transform it. Create a whole new narrative, a narrative in which you come out completely and totally empowered empowered, proud, triumphant over that MF-er, because you know that they did not deserve you in that moment. They probably don't deserve you now either. Okay, something that you would be proud to share. And if you would like to share, I would love to hear it, because I'm nosy and I love the intimate details. So if you would be so inclined to share, please feel free to do so in our community.

Speaker 1:

If you're part of this challenge officially a part of the challenge and joined the one within 30 day journaling challenge, you know what to do. Just go into the portal under our journal prompt and under the comments, just go ahead and write so that we all can be a part of it and we all can hear about how you flipped the script and what you would do today If it was. If, if you had the opportunity to rewrite things, how would you rewrite it? That's what I want to know today. If I could tell my younger me when I tell you, my life would have been so well, I don't know, I think.

Speaker 1:

I think that we go through the things so we can grow through the things, right. I think that we go through the things so we can grow through the things, right. I think that we go through the things that we go through in order to teach us lessons, and so I won't say that my life would be so different. I think that I would have learned this lesson quicker is what I think. But you know, the things that have come to me have come to me because they were supposed to come to me, because that is exactly what God had planned for me.

Speaker 1:

Now, did I deviate from God's plan? Did I go way out of my way to get to where he wanted me to be? Probably so. Probably so, if I'm being honest. But my hope for you is that we can go ahead and rewrite this narrative now, that we can transform our pain into power, and that we can go ahead and rewrite this narrative now that we can transform our pain into power and, um, you know that we can march forward knowing that we know better now and that we are doing better from here on out. Okay, so I hope that you enjoy writing this. I can't wait to hear your stories and what, what, how you've grown and how you hope to uh, grow yourself in the process, the process by doing today's challenge. So day 18 is done. Day 18 is done. I thank you for being on this journey with me, and 19 is tomorrow, so I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

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