Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Day 15 of TOW: Embracing Meditation Through Practice

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV Season 3 Episode 15

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Ever felt like meditation was a mountain too steep to climb? Join us as we explore the transformative power of meditation in the midst of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge.

BONUS: If you'd like to experience my guided meditation "Lay It Down & Let It Go" check it out at

About Our Host:

Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at

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Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Hello and welcome to Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. I'm your host, Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry, and today is Day 15 of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge, and Day 15 means that we have made it officially, we've made it halfway and I have made it 15 days really 16 of doing 16 days straight of podcasting for this challenge in particular, which is wild to me because y'all know, y'all know I've been kicking and screaming this whole time and haven't quite embraced the fact that I'm doing this every day. But yet here we are doing it, dipping it and zipping it, zipping it and doing it every day. But yet here we are doing it, dipping it and zipping it, dipping it and doing it every day, and I can't be more proud of myself for keeping this commitment. But I'm also incredibly proud of each and every one of you that has taken the time to work through this challenge, to message me, to let me know how, what's coming up for you and and and how this challenge is impacting the way in which you think about your current relationships, past relationships and even future relationships. So kudos to us, okay, for doing the doggone thing.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Doggone thing I want to say to today is Wednesday and the 15th day is Wednesday. This has been I mean 2025 already, guys has been. It's been a lot. It's been a lot, not gonna lie and I know that there are so many people out here, you know, really, really struggling not just with relationships but just with life, and I don't know, I can't tell you, obviously, what the future holds for any of us, but I do know who holds the future. So I just want to remind all of us, to whomever you believe in, whatever you believe in, to continue to pray, to pray for yourselves, to pray for your families, to pray for others, pray for those you know, pray for those you don't know, because we are all in some way impacted by something that is far greater than what we may feel we have any control over. There are people out here hurting, there are people out here who need help. There are people out here who need a word of encouragement and when you think you can't do something, we all can be kind. We all can say something to uplift and empower someone. We all, even if we don't know what to say to them, we know what to say about them to our God and to our higher powers and to the universe. And whomever, whatever you believe.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

I just want to encourage you to think about others at this time. Obviously, with the work that I do with you guys, it's about really challenging you to focus on your own growth, your own transformation, your own wellbeing, your own health and wellness, and that is super important. But what is equally important is that we are good humans and that we are really thinking about others in this time and what everyone is going through. So I just want to offer my heartfelt, heartfelt encouragement, prayer, uplifting, empowerment, just love to those that have been impacted and continue to be impacted by these wildfires in California. California is one of my favorite, favorite, favorite states to visit, and I've been back a couple of times since COVID, but it still always has had my heart, and I just cannot, cannot fathom the utter devastation in the lives of so many people that have just lost something within a blink of an eye, and it is absolutely unimaginable to think, to fathom that type of loss. And so my heart really does go out to all of those that are impacted and I want all of us to collectively reflect on not only what that must be like, but reflect on what might be needed during this time and whatever you can do, even if you, you know, don't have the financial resources. It doesn't take anything to pray, it's not going to cost you a thing to pray. So I encourage you to do, if nothing else, do that to pray Now, after I've said that I really needed to get that off my chest, yeah, pray.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So it's Day 15 of The ONE Within 30- Day Journaling Challenge, and on Day 15, we meditate, we meditate. This could not come at a better time, because I feel like it's something that we all need. We need to take a breath, we need to find a place to be quiet and still with our thoughts, whatever those thoughts are. We need to absorb all that we have learned up until this moment. We need to look forward to what we still need and require from ourselves and from others, and we need to go through whatever revelations that have come about. We really just need to sit with our hearts and minds on those things and to really reflect and think about it.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

A few days ago, I think it was day 13. I think, yeah, I had mentioned to you we were talking about letting it go, and if you were listening to that podcast episode as we were reviewing Day 13's prompt, it kind of. There was a flash of inspiration that came to me during that recording and I was like you know what I need to offer you guys something. I want to do this for you and, you know, for those of you who are on this challenge with me, that signed up for and I am so incredibly grateful to you for investing this time and energy in yourselves and this process yes, I've put a lot into it. I've invested a lot into it and making sure you have the content that you need in order to push yourself forward and do the work that I know you desperately want to do, and so on today.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Yes, the order of the day for today's challenge is to meditate for five minutes, to write down any thoughts and any revelations that come up during this quiet time. But I do know and understand that meditation is not the easiest of tasks for people. There are plenty of people out there that feel like I have never done this before, so I don't know what to do. I feel like every time I've tried, my mind just wanders. I start thinking about other things, so meditation doesn't work for me. I can't do it.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

The number of people that say they can't meditate astounds me, which means that your brain you won't not that you won't, you haven't figured out, I'll say that you haven't figured out the art of quieting your thoughts, quieting your minds. And certainly that's real, that is real, it is very much real that we have, especially in today's day and age. There are so many things going on in this world within and outside of our control, that it is really difficult to kind of turn your brain off and not think of anything, or, if you are in a place of rest, in a place of relaxation, in a place of calm and quiet, that the thoughts of the day will creep in to your consciousness. And so, if I can offer a few tips for you to help ease your mind and let you know that you can, you too can, meditate. You definitely have everything that you need to be able to do it, even if you have never done it before, even if you never tried, or even if you tried and you don't think that it was successful, you've tried and you don't think that it was successful. I'm going to tell you that it probably was.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Meditation is a skill, it is something. It is not a one and done it is not a. It's like anything that you practice, and so let's think about meditation as a practice and not just this one time thing. So if you did it once or tried it once and feel like I can't do it, I don't know of very many things that we try one time, things that we want to do that we try just one time, and because we're not good at it the first time that we quit and say we can't do it. I'm going to give you an example Cooking. Cooking is not something that some of us now, some of us got to gift, but for the most part, none of us walk into the kitchen and decide, okay, I'm going to be a great cook, cook the first thing and it tastes amazing. Or you do it perfectly the first time. No matter what it is, it takes repetition, it takes practice.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Swimming like nobody goes into the pool and automatically knows how to swim, especially if you're an adult learner, babies, maybe because they've been swimming in that womb. But if you go and try and take swim lessons, it is a practice. You have to practice it in order to get better. People will tell you that even even writing, you know. If you want to be a writer, the best thing that you can do is write. If you want to be a speaker, the best thing that you can do is continue to make yourself speak. It is with the practice of writing, the practice of speaking, the practice of anything that you want to do, that you become better at it.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So if your goal is to meditate, if you want to learn how to meditate, if you want to get better at meditating, the way to do that is to meditate. So that's what we are working on today getting to a point where we feel better at it, and I'm only asking you for five minutes today to meditate, and we'll get to the bonus for my people that are on this challenge, officially on the challenge with me, that signed up for the challenge. So one of the things that I will say is it is you know, in terms of tips, I didn't write any tips down. This is straight off the dome. I'm coming up with these as I, you know, recall them. So excuse me if it feels a little scattered. I probably should have written this down, but you know, you know who you came to see, you know who I am, all right.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So tips for having a successful meditation One is just to make sure that you are in a comfy, cozy, quiet environment. Don't try and do this and the TV is blaring. You know you've got. You know dogs barking and obviously you can't control your dog. I'm thankful that my dog is or the dog, excuse me, is sitting next to me and he's asleep right now, but at any given moment he can wake up and start barking and you know that's probably not the best thing for my meditation practice.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

But making sure that you have a comfortable, quiet environment, a space that is dedicated to your meditation practice, that is probably one of the first you know things that we want to make sure that you have Somewhere where you can relax your not only your mind but your body. It doesn't mean that you have to lay down or lay flat. It could be you may find that the most comfortable position for you to do meditation is on a floor, and that's fine. You may feel that the best position for you is sitting up in a chair with a hard back. You may feel like maybe having some pillows to prop up under your leg legs would be the best, or having a footstool to rest your feet on and being able to, or lie flat on a mat, like whatever. That space is for you, and it may take some time to figure out where your most comfortable position is going to be and what room is going to be the best environment for you. But take some time to figure that out. Give yourself a few tries to figure out what the best scenario is for you in terms of your environment. You may want to have just some soft music playing in the background.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Some people like that Something you know a smooth jazz, or you know elevator music. You know whimsical outdoor sounds and sensations. People like that. Some people like nothing but quietness, and that's fine too. I would also say and this is just a lesson in life give yourself some grace.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

The one thing that I hear repeatedly from people who are trying to meditate and get into this practice is my mind keeps wandering off, like I keep thinking of other things. I'll be sitting there, you know, quiet, and still for a few minutes, and then the next thing I know I'm thinking about dinner, or I'm thinking about something that I have to do, or I'm thinking about you know the sounds that I'm hearing outside. I'm thinking about what I watched on TV last night. Please, please, please, understand and hear me when I say all of that is perfectly normal, especially when this is your first time, or your first few times, trying to meditate. It is normal for your mind to wander. That is what your mind does, what it's been doing. Okay, we are trying to help your mind focus on um, on things, on intentions, on mantras. So, when your mind wanders, here's what I want you to do.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

When you are sitting there and you're in your meditation groove, your eyes are closed, you're sitting back, you're really in your zone and then, all of a sudden, you realize you're thinking about that thing you left in your Amazon cart, or what you need to add to the cart, or what you want to have for dinner. Acknowledge that thought. Acknowledge I am not thinking about what I am supposed to be thinking about. Right now. I am not in my meditative state. I need to go back to it and, just in your mind's eye, walk yourself back to where you are supposed to be. So if you find that your mind is wandering, acknowledge it. My mind is wandering right now. I need to be back, centered in my comfy place, really listening what I have set intention on and what I would like to focus on today. Whatever that is for you, sometimes it is helpful. This is another one.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Some people go into meditation with just a clear mind and no set thing that they want to meditate on, and some people go in with a specific mantra, element of gratitude, an intention that they want to focus on for the day, or prayer. There is no right or wrong in my book when it comes to that. So if you want to give yourself a word for the day, perhaps the word is gratitude, and that's what you want to meditate on for those five minutes. I want to just focus on gratitude. Focus on the things I want to meditate on, the things that are I'm thankful for and that I am. You know, I'm really happy or in my life right now, the people that are in my life, the things that I've been able to accomplish at this point, and that's what I want to meditate on that day. Focus on that one thing, want to meditate on that day. Focus on that one thing.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

If it's an intention that you want to set, perhaps it is I intend to, you know, love my partner more deeply, more completely, and focus on the goals that we've set out in the relationship, and that's what you want to meditate on for that time. Pick your intention or your mantra, or your goal or whatever you want to focus on. And again, anytime that your mind, you know, wanders off to your Amazon cart or wanders off to your to-do list or whatever, allow yourself to walk yourself back. Here's my intention for today. Whatever is floating into my mind I know that I can come back to it once this meditation is over but for now I'm focusing on dot dot dot. Okay, give yourself that time.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

And I would say one more thing, and there's a laundry list of things that can make you help you with this, but this is just a beginner's kind of guide or whatever. Maybe I should do that in the ebook. Anyway, um, there's, there's a beginner's guide. Um, set a timer. Set a timer. Um, I'm asking for five minutes today. Five minutes is what we have. You know, as we designed this challenge, I told you it would take five minutes a day. So, of course, I'm asking for five minutes of meditation. You can go longer if you want. You can also go shorter if you want.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Most people, when they start out meditating, I will recommend, like, just promise yourself one minute, one minute, that you will sit there for one minute and allow yourself to just. You know, it could be that your focus, that in that one minute, is just on your breath, just on breathing. That's how simple meditation can be. If you make the intention and the commitment that I'm just gonna focus for the next 60 seconds on breathing deeply, getting as much oxygen into my brain and my body as I possibly can. That is gonna be my meditation for today. That's fine, do that. Do that. You will be surprised how even just something as simple as that, how much better you will feel moving forward with the rest of your day. It is definitely something that you can do. I believe anybody can do that. Okay, I believe anybody could do that. So do that.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Set a timer for the time that you want to spend and again, anytime something floats into your mind. Understand this is your time. This is your time, the time that you have set aside for meditation. It's only five minutes. Whatever comes into your mind that is not aligned with that time can be handled afterwards. You can always come back to it. You're not missing a thing by spending this five minutes for yourself.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Now, for those of you that did officially sign up for the challenge, I do have a bonus for you. I'm so excited to be able to offer this to you. I told you that I wanted to offer that there would be a few surprises for you and extra bonuses just for signing up for The ONE Within 30-Da y Journaling Challenge. There are some bonuses for signing up for the challenge, and one of which is I am gifting you the ability to download one of my meditations. Now, this one is not five minutes, it is longer than five minutes, but, like I said on Day 13, we did talk about letting go, and letting go is a very difficult thing for many of us to do. Letting go of past hurt, past trauma, past pain, people that did you wrong, regret all of that stuff. It's so hard. It's very easy to say let go, but very hard for many of us to do. And earlier it wasn't earlier this year, it was really towards the end of last year I created a meditation called Lay it Down and Let it Go.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

You can buy that meditation on my website, drtiffanyhenrycom. You're able to purchase Lay it Down and Let it Go. It's a guided meditation. It takes about 25 minutes or so and it is really about releasing negative emotions. So if you want a more guided experience for today's journal prompt, I encourage you to go on over to drtiffanyhenrycom and by lay it down and let it go the guided meditation. But if you are a part of this challenge, if you join this challenge, then you know that all you gotta do is log into your portal and a digital download of this guided meditation is already there for you and it's completely and totally free. So that is my gift to you as a thank you for continuing to do all of this hard work and really sticking it out.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

We've made it halfway through the challenge and I wanted you to have this as a way of number one completing today's assignment the meditation. It is more than five minutes, but if you are someone who has had difficulty either with meditation and I think a guided experience is always great because you can again turn your brain off you don't have to think about where things are going or what to do or what to think about, because I'm guiding you through that process. But also, this is a just it's just a good one, especially for women, because we do tend to hold on to things. We like to hold on to things, and this is the year of letting everything that was in the past just be in the past, and we're doing nothing but moving forward. We're moving forward and the way to move forward is to lay it down and let it go.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So I encourage you, if you have not joined the challenge, to go to DrTiffanieHenry. com and look for, Lay It Down and Let It Go. Go ahead and purchase that so that you're with us. Even if you aren't officially a part of the challenge, you can still do that meditation or you can choose to do your five minute meditation as part of the challenge. But for those of us that are a part of Become the One community by way of being part of The ONE Within 30- Day Journaling Challenge, that digital download is already in your portal under day 15. All right, so I thank you so much.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Let me know how this is going for you. Let me know how your meditation experience goes for you. Certainly, if you are not in the challenge, you can text me, go to the show notes. There's a link right at the top that says to me let me know how this is going for you. Go ahead and text me and let me know how how day 15 meditation portion is for you, If you like it, if you hate it, if you didn't think you could do it, but now you can, or you know how it's all going and then, for those of you that are actually in the challenge, on my teachable portal, you can comment under today's lesson, and you know where to do that. I don't have to tell you. All right, I will see you guys tomorrow, day 16. I thank you so much for being part of the challenge and we'll talk soon. Okay, have a good day, guys. Bye.

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