Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Day 11 of TOW: Where The Rubber Meets The Road

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV Season 3 Episode 11

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Ready to unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships? Join me as we celebrate reaching Day 11 of The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge. Today's episode is all about commitment, motivation, and the transformative power of showing up for yourself. Together, we'll revisit pivotal exercises from Days 1 & 10 , exploring how these interconnected tasks set the stage for a profound journey of self-discovery. 

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About Our Host:

Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at

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All interviews are available for viewing on YouTube. Click the link below or tap HERE to WATCH EACH EPISODE!

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Hi, there it is Dr Tiffanie Davis Henry and this is Intimate Details with Dr Tiff and Day 11 of The ONE Within 30- Day Journaling Challenge. Congratulations, guys, you made it, you made it, you made it to day 11. Everybody was not able. Everybody was not able. Registration did close yesterday, on the 10th. So if you got in, you got in. If you didn't, you're going to have to wait till next time. And, as you know, this was an absolutely free challenge.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

A lot of people were hesitant because they saw the content, they saw what we were doing and they were like, oh, that's probably going to cost. Okay, I ain't even going to do it, I'm not even going to try. But, as you know, if you click the button and signed up, you were not charged a thing. You weren't charged a single thing in order to do this, because and I did that purposely I talked about this a few days ago on live. One of the reasons why I did not advertise this as a free challenge is because I wanted to invite people who were already in the frame of mind to invest in themselves, who were already saying you know what, I know that I need this, I know that we're already motivated and said. You know what, it's the top of the year. I really want to get to the bottom of these things. I really want to work through this. I'm committing to myself that I'm going to do this. I'm just going to sign up. I'm not going to hem and haw, I'm not going to go back and forth, I'm not going to waste any time. I'm going to get in, because this is exactly what I'm looking for.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

On the first episode back of the challenge, which I think would have been New Year's Eve, I talked about a sticky note that I have on my wall over here that says people are praying for you to show up. People are praying for you to show up. People are praying for you to show up. And I go back to that because I think there are things that we all pray for. We pray for answers, we pray for clarity, we pray for wisdom, we pray for growth, we pray for transformation. We pray for clarity, we pray for wisdom, we pray for growth, we pray for transformation. We pray for you know the answers that we need and signs and all of the things so that we can move forward in our relationships.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Challenge that there were some of you who had been looking to gain clarity. Maybe you didn't. Maybe right now the money is funny and you're like I really need to get some insight onto some of this stuff, but I just don't have it Right. Those are the people that showed up for this challenge, or I've never done something like this before and it's really scary for me and I need a way to kind of get some clarity. But I need to do it in a way that doesn't make me feel bad about myself or lets me go on my own pace or doesn't force me to be vulnerable to other people, but I can just still get this work done.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

People were praying for this type of stuff and I'm not saying that you know I'm answering all of your prayers. I don't. God answers your prayers, not me. Joe, listen, I'm just on this payroll. He just be telling me what to do and I do it because I know I'm smart enough to know that the ideas that I have, the content that I put out, the things that I'm offering to you guys, it is. I don't do this alone. He absolutely inspires and helps me create this type of stuff, and I know that it's not just for me. I know that what he is asking me to share with you all that. The things that he's asking me to share with you all are the things that you or someone in your life can benefit from. So I thank you for listening to your heart, for showing up for yourself, for investing in yourself, investing this time and this energy in yourself, for showing up, for listening, for participating and for being in agreement that this is something that I need to do for me in 2025. So I thank you for that and I thank you for joining us on this entire journey.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

So we are on day 11. And if you have been doing this, if you are caught up, I hope that you are caught up. If you're not caught up, you're going to wish you were caught up, because, since day one, I have been telling you that you need to get caught up, because there would be a time where I'm going to say go back and look at this and then look at that, okay. And today, on day 11, today is the day. Today is the day. So if you did not do day one, okay, you need to go back and do day one. If you maybe skipped day 10, you're going to need to go back and do day 10 in order to do day 11. This is why we need to pummel through these. So I'm going to tell you to pause this right now If you haven't done those two, especially because you're going to need that to be able to do today. But ideally, I need you to do all of them, because I'm going to do this again in this process and you're going to want to be caught up when we do it.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Ok, so, day 11. Here we go. If you haven't done day one and day 10, go back and do that and then pick back up here If you have done all of your work. Kudos to you for being a gold star student. Let's get started on day 11. Here we go.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Day 11 is reflect and connect. Take a look back at the patterns and themes that you identified in day one. Okay, that means you got to go back to day one. And then, how do they connect to the insights from day 10 about your triggers? Oh, this is where the rubber meets the road. Okay, this is where we start to piece some things together. This is where we start to realize what we're bringing into relationship with us that maybe you didn't maybe gel before. Okay, so let's go back. I'm going to scroll on back to day one.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Day one's prompt was about identifying patterns. What recurring themes or patterns have you noticed in your past relationships? So in this one, I had asked you to describe this in detail. What recurring things keep coming up for you in relationships? What are you seeing as a pattern for yourself? Are you continuously like ghosted? Do you come on too strong? Are you doing too much over functioning in relationships? Are you continuously like ghosted? Do you come on too strong? Are you doing too much over functioning in relationships? Are you hard to get along with? Are people saying they can't get close to you? Do you fall really quickly in love? Does it take you a long time to warm up to people? Are you attracting liars and cheaters? What patterns, what themes, what do you see is coming up for you in your relationships? Ok, so we asked you to do that on day one and you came up with a laundry list of things. Now I'm asking you to look at all those things, those patterns that you identified in day one, and now I want you to look at what you wrote down for yesterday. What emotional triggers, emotional triggers, the feelings, the emotions that are arising in your relationships, where they came from. Okay, so you may have written down that.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

I fear I have a lot of fear of abandonment in my relationships. I feel I feel really, really lonely when, if I don't see my person every day, if they don't call me back, I start to worry that they're cheating or that they're going to leave me, start to worry that they're cheating or that they're going to leave me. All of that might stem from the way that I grew up and what I saw happening at home or past relationships when I did this before. This is how my partner would do, so I know that when this happens, that's going to happen because that's what happened in the past. Right, so you're looking for a connection between the patterns In day one, how you're triggered by those patterns, where they come from and where and where they originate. Ok, back to day 11 today.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Take a look back at the patterns and themes that you identified in day one and how do they connect to the insights from day 10 about your triggers. Ooh, I want to hear from you. I want to hear from you. I need to know what you uncover, how this is going, what this feels like, because this is a lot, this is a big one and, honestly, this may take you more than five minutes. I know I said every one of these is going to take about five minutes. Today might take a little longer, okay, and I want to know what you come up with. How are you connecting these insights? I'm also feeling like maybe we need to talk about day 11, because this is a bit much. Okay, so let me know, you don't have to do it because you guys are part of the one within community.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

If you go into the portal on Teachable, where this program is housed under day 11, when you get to day 11, I'm pulling it up on my end too, because I want to be able to see what you see. Once you see the prompt for day 11, you will be able to. Right underneath that there's a block for discussion where you can post a comment, and what I would like for you to do is just post a comment to the group about this question, what it brought up for you, what you're realizing, what emerged for you, how you're feeling about it, all of the things. Just let us know as a group. Again, there is no judgment. Nobody in here has any room to judge, believe me, but we do want to support one another, and so I want to create a culture where we can do that, where we can reflect on, you know, our own revelations and get support around those things, and and whether we need support or we need to support others, we're all here to do that. So go to the bottom of your journal prompt for that day and just share how this one did you Cause I know you might feel like I did you wrong today, you might feel like this was a bit much, but this is very, very important work that we reflect on our stuff, that we connect some dots and that we talk through it. This is the way that we instill change within ourselves and within our relationships. Okay, all right, day 11 is done.

Dr. Tiffanie Henry:

Day 11 is done. This one again. It's probably going to take you a little bit more than the traditional five minutes, but it's okay. Let's give us 10. Okay, let's give us 10. It's a Saturday. Hopefully you're having a leisurely day and you have a little bit of extra time to devote to this one, because you may need it. All right, all right, I hope you guys are well, hope you're continuing to enjoy the challenge and please, please, please, go ahead and drop me a line in the portal if you're part of this challenge so that we can talk about it, and if you're not, I'm so sorry that you didn't get in. I'm so sorry that you didn't make it to get into this, but I tried. I tried my best to encourage you along the way. But you can still join us on YouTube. You just don't have access to the portal and you don't have that intimate access with me. Sorry, friends, Sorry, everybody ain't able. All right, guys, I will talk to you soon. Have a wonderful, wonderful rest of your day. Love you so much. Goodbye.

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