Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff
A safe space for intimate conversations with some of the most dynamic and magnetic people you'll ever want to meet, Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is like sitting down with your favorite bougie auntie, bestie, therapist. So grab yourself a drink and a nosh, pull up a chair and lean all the way in. We're going deep and it promises to be one helluva ride.
Hosted by: Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry
Produced & Edited by: Rideia Wilson
Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff
Day 7 of TOW: Casting Your Vision of Love
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As we celebrate the close of week one, we dive deep into defining the non-negotiable qualities in a partner — a topic close to my heart and one I discussed years ago on VH1's "What Chilli Wants." This isn't just about finding love; it's about recognizing the love we deserve by Becoming The ONE.
Doors are closing soon on The ONE Within 30-Day Journaling Challenge, so if you or someone you know wants to embark on this path of self-discovery and authentic love, now's the time to catch up and join our community. Let's open our hearts, find our worth, and craft the love story we truly desire.
To join, just visit or tap here.
About Our Host:
Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram and learn more about upcoming programs, challenges and services at
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All interviews are available for viewing on YouTube. Click the link below or tap HERE to WATCH EACH EPISODE!
Hello, hello, it's Dr Tiff, host of Intimate Details with Dr Tiff and your facilitator, honey, for The ONE Within 30 Day Journaling Challenge. You guys, we have made it to seven days. Dude, I never thought that I would be doing a podcast seven days straight. Okay now, granted, it has not been 45 minutes or an hour, you know, every day, which is great for me, because she can't do that, but you guys are getting seven episodes, okay, in seven days, actually eight. Now that I think about it, it's been eight straight days of episodes, which is wild, wild. This is like half a season, okay for me, but we're going to thug it out. I don't, I'm, I still am not committing to doing 30 episodes of this Some days. You know, she might not make it. I'm just being honest. All right, but we Day 7 in of the 30 day journaling challenge.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:The one within we are finding out the who. The one within is honey. We are getting her together because we are all women who, rather than chasing after, trying to find, trying to make, trying to coach somebody into being the one, we are realizing that, hey, we are the one, I am the one that they are going to be looking for. Okay, ain't got time to be looking for nobody. They looking for me. Okay, all right, so become the one, become the one. I'm about to close these doors on this challenge too. By the way, I've been telling y'all to invite your friends to pull up and join the challenge, if they haven't done so already. Honey, we're going to be closing these doors very soon because I'm tired. I'm tired of holding this door open for people that don't want to come in, honey. So if you know someone who wants to do this challenge, honey they're seven days behind, okay, but I won't deny them a spot If they want to join. They're just going to have to make up some work, and it might mean doubling, tripling up some days so that they can get caught up to where we are. But come on in, come on in the room, come on in the room. People, go ahead and do this challenge with us. If you are able, ladies, all right. So if you know someone that knows someone that knows someone that wants to be in this challenge, tell them to go ahead and pull up. Go to drtiffanyhenrycom, sign up for the one within challenge and go ahead and get started. Okay, catch up, catch up, catch up. All right, we are on day seven. This is the last. We're closing out the first week of the challenge and, yep, I'm at it again. But this one, I feel like this one should be pretty good, because this is one that shows up for me, a lot like with the people that I work with.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Day seven is your ideal love vision. Okay, the vision of love that Mariah Carey sang about in her debut album. Excuse me, without thinking of anyone specific, I want you to describe your ideal partner in detail. This should be easy for a lot of y'all, and I'm gonna tell you why. All right, what qualities are non-negotiable? So, if you have been around for a long period of time, some of y'all will not know this. Okay, there was a time in the mid. I'm going to say like 2009. I'm going to say late. Yeah, I'm going to say 2009-ish. Right, you can find this, I'm sure, if you Google it, if you dig deep on YouTube, you will be. I have some clips of this too, so I may post it. I probably won't, but I may. Of this too, so I may post it. I probably won't, but I may.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Back in the day, your girl did my first TV, my first ever not my first ever TV appearance, but my first adult TV appearance was on VH1. It's a. It was a show called What Chilli Wants, Chilli being Rozonda "chili Thomas from TLC Beautiful human being, by the way and this show was. It was around, it was centered around her, you know, finding love, searching for love and and all of that relationship coach Tiana Smalls, um, and Tiana's out of New York. Chili, of course, lives here in Atlanta, uh, where I happen to live as well, and they reached out because she had gotten to a place um, this is just a recap of the show, but like she had gotten to a place with a coach where she was stuck and it was really, I think the coach really couldn't coach her beyond where she was, to kind of get her get the arc of the show, like to get her to this next place. And so they brought me in to work with her, and one of the things that was significant about the show and about Chili and about how she was going about relationships as it relates to the show, was that she had a list, she had a list, she had a list and most of us, many of us, whether mentally or physically, we have this list of things that we are looking for in relationship. I know I did. I know I had one, just kind of a mental list of what I think I wanted. That is where this prompt is coming from.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Without thinking about anybody specific, I don't want you to think about somebody that you dated or who you want to date, but just describe your ideal partner.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Who are they? What do they look like? What do they do you know for work? What do they do for fun? What qualities for you are non-negotiable? You know, for some people you may say he got to love the Lord, he got to love the Lord. Okay, that might be it. Or you know he's got to make six figures, or she has to love children, or she has to want children. Or your ideal ideal mate, what would they be like? Describe them and give us qualities. What things are non-negotiable for you? What can you, you know, just not live without the thing, with the thing that I always say, though, and maybe I'll say you know what?
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:I'm going to save this? I'm going to save it for tomorrow. I'll save it for tomorrow, and I'll begin tomorrow's podcast with this, because I don't want to, I don't want you guys to incorporate the thought that I'm that I was getting ready to say, and I want you to incorporate that into your answer. I don't want to taint what you might write down today and I can hold what I have to say for tomorrow. I'm actually going to write myself a note. Y'all know, if I don't write a note, it ain't, I ain't going to say it.
Dr. Tiffanie Henry:Day 8, tell the people. Okay, I've written myself a note that will remind me I didn't want to say what I was writing, because you know, surprise. All right, so that is day seven, guys, we did it, we made it to day seven. Thank you so much. I'm hoping that you will be able to write this one out, do what you need to do, and then I can see you tomorrow. We can talk about, we can follow up on today's prompt tomorrow and then also go over tomorrow's prompt as well, that is, if I'm coming back. I don't know if I'm doing this tomorrow. I'll be here tomorrow, whatever. All right, guys, you guys have a great, fantastic day and I will see you. Will I see you? I'll see you tomorrow. All right, take care Bye.