Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Elevating Your Spirit: A New Year's Revolution with Tiffany Nunnally

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV Season 2 Episode 204

As the new year unfurls its blank pages, many of us pencil in resolutions that often miss an essential component: our spiritual well-being. Enter Tiffany Nunnally, a spiritual life coach whose expertise in nurturing spiritual growth is nothing short of enlightening. Our conversation traverses the overlooked spiritual elements in our goal-setting and the profound impact of establishing a direct connection with our higher power. Tiffany's insights remind us that our deepest desires for peace and favor are within reach when we intentionally flex our spiritual muscles.

About our guest:
For more information about our guest, Tiffany Nunnally, follow her on Instagram at @tiffanynunnally or visit her website at
Join Tiffany's VIRTUAL Bible Study, the 1st Wednesday of every month:
Good Days Start with God
Good Days Start with God + Goals

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Dr. Tiff is wearing Peepers Next Level Progressives in Grey Tortoise.

Need help setting intentions for the new year? Take advantage of our FREE resource.  Click here and learn to set Killer Intentions that SLAY THE DAY!

About Our Host:

Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry and produced by Rideia Wilson. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram.

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I'm going to turn it over to the panelists for the next lecture. My guest today is a best selling author, educator and spiritual life coach who works diligently to transform the lives of those who wish to uncover the secrets of cultivating God's grandest vision for their lives. Basically, she is here to help us get it together. Please welcome Tiffany.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Nunneli to intimate details with Dr. I'm always a pleasure when I get to sit with you.


I know, I know Tiffany and I have done a couple of interviews together and it's always a good time. I just like to I always tell Tiffany like I just like to wind you up and let you go, because you have so much good, good nuggets, such good wisdom and always something great for everyone to kind of get something from. So I just I appreciate you taking the time out today to be here. I know your schedule is busy, but the people need to hear what you have to say and they definitely, especially with this being the beginning of 2024,.


I think the new year always brings about kind of a refocus or rebranding for all of us and in this season of Intimate Details with Dr Tiff, we're focusing really heavily on two things. We're focusing on relationship enhancement, but also intentional self-care. Intentional self-care so when we speak of self-care, generally people think about pampering or mental health or doing things for ourselves that we normally don't take time for or just kind of push ourselves to the side so that we can take care of everyone else. But self-care is so much bigger than just getting our nails done right. I wanna make sure that we talk about self-care, that when we talk about self-care, that we keep in mind that, in addition to our mental health and physical health, our spiritual health should be a priority as well.


And that was one of the reasons why I wanted you on, because I know that you can speak to that. How can we and this is, I know I'm just jumping right in, but listen, we gotta get ourselves together, let's get in it. Let's get in it, get all the way in it? How can, how does the new year, I guess, starting this new year, let me ask you that way, starting this new year, how can we best prioritize our spiritual health?

Tiffany Nunnally:

You know, a lot of people jump on vision boards and they think about their just life and their goals. It's a big focus on achievement. So I just love this question about how can we focus on our spiritual health.


And I don't remember ever seeing anything on the on our vision boards about our spirituality, our spiritual health, our goals with God or religion Like that don't ever show up on the vision board.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Tiff Right right and I think the way we start the new year by, I think how we start the new year with prioritizing spiritual health is to understand how important it is and how, simply, everything that we see in the physical that we actually want and desire and that we're putting on that vision board, everything flows from the spirit. What we see in the physical first took place in the spiritual and the spiritual habit of prayer, of meditation, of affirmation, all of those works that we do on our spirit, those habits are the thing that changed the outcome of every other area of our life. It can hit it. It's like when we think about the new year, if you wanna target, that is going to touch my relationships, when we got that husband on that vision board, when we have, when we want that job, all of the areas, when we want more peace in our lives, when we want things to happen with our children and other relationships. If you think about 2024 is where am I gonna put intentionally my self-care time? I am going to put it into building up myself spiritually, building my spiritual muscles and growing spiritually, because that is the target and if I hit the target, all of the other areas will be impacted.

Tiffany Nunnally:

So I think that's the shift. The shift is I'm being strategic because I know that everything starts on the inside of me, and I love the scripture that says the body is weak, but the spirit is willing. There is a source that is beyond yourself, that is stronger, that is more trustworthy, that is an anchor that really can go beyond your physical limitations and anything that you can do possibly in your willpower, and that is from your spirit, that is, from the spirit that lives on the inside of you. So that is the shift. This is important and this is strategic because it is the target that will touch every other area that I desire.


Right. So instead of filling up that poster board or that Trello board or that calendar or whatever with all of these I don't wanna say superficial things because I don't think having loving your life, having a job that actually pays your bills and being able to travel or spend time with your family I don't think that those things are trivial and I definitely don't wanna minimize it. But what you're saying is really start to focus more on the central idea of getting closer to our higher power, focusing more on growing spiritually, and the other stuff will manifest, because I have created this direct line to the source of all of the things that I want.

Tiffany Nunnally:

The creator of everything that you want. One of the affirmations that I affirm that's based on the word of God. It talks about growing in favor and in peace. So what I affirm is I am, and it literally says as I grow in knowledge spiritual knowledge I'll also grow in favor and in peace. And so what we're talking about is the outcome in our lives. Who doesn't want more favor? And the things that we're praying for, the things that we desire? Right, we look at our lives, the things that we are talking about, those are favorable outcomes that we want in our lives. And so it's like, as I grow in spiritual knowledge, as I grow in connecting with my source, then I am going to have more. That's multiplied unto me as it relates to favor and peace. So many of us, when we think about self-care, what we want and why we're even leaning to our self-care, is because we want more peace. Yes, absolutely. We are stressed ounces, you know. We are trying not to burn out.


We are trying not to burn out While also burning ourselves out yes, right, while accepting invitations that we know we don't want to do, piling on the projects, getting another job, you know not being able to afford ourselves because we're overspending and knowing that we're not bringing the money in, like we're stressing out about things, but also, at the same time, wishing we had a day off, wishing we could take a nap, wishing, you know, for peace, like you said. Yeah, it's a wild world we live in.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Yeah, it's a wild world and you know the reason why. Going back to why spiritual health and spiritual growth, I should say, is important for self-care is look the co. As a culture, we are so focused on self-care. We're so focused on, you know, everybody is pushing self-care because it's necessary. That's why we're having this talk, but with self-care right, we still got the highest numbers of depression, stress and anxiety. All of that.

Tiffany Nunnally:

So here's the thing the missing link is the spiritual peace. The missing link is what I like to call soul care, because spiritual care, right, it is going to touch your mind, your will and your emotions. Okay, because you are, you know, humbling yourself. You're coming into connection with your higher source. You are, you're working on your mind. Okay, because you're transforming your mind. You know, as you read, as you study, as you journal, as you do these spiritual practice, you're working on your mind. That's also helping with your emotion. So that's the linking missing link, honestly, in our self-care arsenal is this spiritual peace, because it is what touches the soul, which is the mind, the will and the emotions. And so it's so funny that, as a world, we're so focused on self-care and we do all these things and we spend all this money and we get all these naps and we go on all these vacations, but it's not impacting the numbers. Could it be the spiritual peace?


that's missing. Could it be that that's the missing piece? Could it be? I think so. That's the missing piece to our peace.

Tiffany Nunnally:

That's the missing piece to our peace. I like that.


You can use the girl, just take it, just take it, just take it own.


That it's interesting because so many people, I think, especially in our community, in the black community, really struggle with this, with finding that peace, particularly addressing, like, their mental health concerns and a lot of that has to do with this, I guess this kind of spiritual tug of war that they may have because they wanna honor their faith. They feel like I should be dependent upon God or I should really focus on my prayer life, my spiritual life, and if I'm doing that then the mental health stuff will kind of figure itself out. I don't need to go to a doctor, I don't need to take a medication, I just need to pray about it and I don't ascribe to that. I do believe for me, right, as a therapist, I certainly believe that God places people in our lives. He place you in my life, right. I think that he places people in our lives that can intercede on His behalf, that can help us in a way on earth in a way that can help us with those mental health concerns.


He makes that available to us so that we can function from a mental health perspective. How does your work as a spiritual life coach, and a life coach just in general, bridge that gap between mental wellness and spiritual wellness?

Tiffany Nunnally:

Well, the way my work bridges the gap between spiritual wellness and mental wellness is it is a proactive work. So what I am teaching is spiritual discipline of something that you would do each and every day, this repetitive action of spending time with God, this repetitive action of listening to, for example, all of my clients. They all listen to instrumental worship music. Right, because I've noticed that we want to praise God and do different things. Right, but when we have. Or we like to listen to music when we work, but we can't necessarily focus, right, we can't focus. We're focusing on the words and we're trying to focus on their work. So it helps with their mental health by just listening to instrumental, because then they can just focus on their work and it actually invokes an environment of peace, right, and so that's something that they start their day with, that's something that sometimes they drive home with, so they can listen to themselves and listen to their thoughts. So, again, my work is a proactive daily practice of repetition that is feeding your mental health as well as your spirit.


I love that. How did you get into and this might be a personal question- I mean where it goes for you.


You know, I'm not telling you to tell all your business to the people. But how did you get here? Because this is deep, deep work, right, and it's really hard. You are not like a mutant, right Like you are a human being, just like the rest of us. You go through things, just like the rest of us. You experience highs and lows, just like the rest of us. What made you, tiffany Nunnally, go down this path? To help people want to help people get their spiritual lives in order, and also to do it through coaching, because there's so many ways to do this.


But, what was it for you that made you say like this is where I need to be, Because this isn't your professional background?

Tiffany Nunnally:

Even though you do this professionally. I don't want to minimize what you do.


But this isn't your professional background, so like how we get here, sis.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Yeah, through pain, through pain, through pain and suffering, that is, through pain, and purpose Pain and purpose are linked.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Pain led me to purpose, absolutely so in just what happened was I had a pretty average ordinary life. I believe in God, I'm a Christian and I believe in Jesus, and I had a pretty average childhood and adulthood. I wasn't in church every Sunday. I mean, we went to church, but it wasn't a big deal and we didn't go, but we had a relationship with God. But what switched me to this really spiritual side of myself and the spiritual work was this average life and then, all of a sudden, this big pain.

Tiffany Nunnally:

My mom got diagnosed with cancer in 2013. And it was already pretty aggressive when we found it and she actually ended up passing. Within a year of her diagnosis, I was pregnant with my daughter. I had never seen my mom sick in her life. She like not really had cold, like she was a 53 year old, strong, healthy woman Got a rare cancer and it was super aggressive and we fought with everything we had and within a year May 2013 diagnosis May 2012 diagnosis May 2013,. My mama was passed. My mama had passed, my daughter was five months and I was so thankful that my mom was there to hold her hand and everything.

Tiffany Nunnally:

But after my mom passed, I was depressed. I was depressed, I was extremely emotional and I could not seem with therapy and I'm a person that supports therapy as well. I believe God uses therapies as vessels, right, but therapy and just I used to depend so heavily on friends, you know, to just like encourage me. I was going so much outside of myself. It is nothing with having, you know, I'm not saying anything against having a good therapist and having good friends, but I was constantly reaching out to others and the shift did not happen for me until I started to reach within, until I sat down with my creator and I said you know what? Let me see if growing spiritually, if you know building up my knowledge in God's word, spending time, let me see if I start to do a lot of self care from a spiritual perspective. If I start to intentionally feed myself day and night spiritually, feed my spirit each and every day, will something change?


So I kept with my therapist. What made you do that? What made me do that? Because that it takes a bit of time, like from your mom's passing or even before her passing like understanding what was getting ready to happen, then experiencing what happened and then not being able to pull yourself out of it. Reaching out to friends, like what was it that made you say, like you know, my friends are great, they're trying their best, but this is not working for me. I have to go, for I gotta go deeper. Like this ain't, I can't. I can't go on like this. What was it that made you say I don't try everything else. Let me give God a shot.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Okay, I'm gonna be real transparent right now. I had a suicidal thought. I had a suicidal thought and I had this beautiful daughter and I knew and I know me right and I always I had never had a thought like that and that was a very low point for me and I said I am not getting, I have to do more, I cannot have these thoughts. And again, we talk about from a mental health perspective and we talk about caring for ourselves. What I have discovered is we are dealing with negative thoughts all the time and so many of us are not fighting back. You know, when I say we're not fighting back, we are not fighting back consistently, proactively, intentionally. Sometimes we repeat those thoughts when we talk with our friends, we work through those thoughts when we talk through our therapist. But as a spiritual practice, I've learned that we actually have to intentionally say something different, save with our mouths, to create it. And so, growing in knowledge.


Tell me what that looks like, what that looks like for someone that doesn't understand like are you saying like I can just speak these things out of my head. I have to. If I just tell myself you don't want to harm yourself, then I just won't. What are you saying?

Tiffany Nunnally:

I am saying that you have to say what you want to see before you see it. Okay, I am saying that if and you know, you know me, I'm all about the Bible, right, so too, you don't get Bible for me, okay, yes, so the Bible tells you to speak those things that are not as if they are, and so what I'm telling you is there is a spiritual practice. Just like you are building, you go into the gym and you lift weights. Yes, the spiritual practice as you, as we're taking care of ourselves spiritually is to speak the things that are not as if they are. So, regardless of how I feel, there is a truth about my spirit that says, even though I am tired today and I can acknowledge that I'm tired today, but I know my spirit is stronger and it's gonna help me push through. Something like that is the switch, gotcha, and that is not just an A-A-A. And here's the beauty. That's not.

Tiffany Nunnally:

The Bible talks about an empty word. Right, like you could, we could just say I am strong, you know. Or we could just say these different things that are empty, but when we have some truth behind it, that is actually from the word of God, that says, yeah, your body may be weak but your spirit is strong, that it just it's almost like using the strongest brand of conditioner you can use. It's like those words are okay, but again, when we focus on our spirit and we know the things of the spirit, it gives you that, both the truths, boost of truth. So what I'm saying is a practice of saying what I actually want to see. Yeah, what I actually want to see like I'm going to live, I'm going to push through, and so that's what happened, even when you don't feel like, even when you don't feel like it because I you may not believe it yet, but here.

Tiffany Nunnally:

So here is the. Here is the beauty again of practicing it proactively. If you do it over a period of time, for a long period of time, just like when you go to the gym and you may not be able to, wouldn't lift up that weight at first, right, you keep going back to the gym every day. Guess what those muscles will get stronger and the same way our mind transforms if we start to see Long enough, we will believe it.

Tiffany Nunnally:

The same works with our feelings. If we say I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired, you will believe that you are tired. It's the same way. It works in the negative way. It also works in the positive way, but we have to be intentionally about open our mouths and speaking those things, because our words have power and they create yeah, yeah, and that's spiritual. That's spiritual, yes.


Yeah, yes, it is. It is, you know and I talk a lot about Myself just setting intentions, and that's kind of what you were saying just calling it out and saying this is what, this is what I expect From the universe, this is what I expect from God, this is what I, and I do believe that. I believe that, you know, we have to tell our higher power, like I expect, you know, to have a great day, even if five things happen that I don't like, that aren't favorable to me. I get stopped by every stoplight, I get pulled over for speeding, you know, I have a flat tire, my boss yells at me, or whatever. I still intend To see past all of those things and have a great day, and so I do understand what you're saying.


What I want to make clear to those out there listening, though, is that Many of us Can struggle and have really, really bad days, have deep depression, have suicidal thoughts, and it can be very dark, and for some of us, it is. It is, and I know, you know this like there is Just simply saying I feel better, I don't want to harm myself, I don't want to, I don't want to, you know, move forward with these thoughts or this plan.


Sometimes that is not enough, and so I want to make sure that people hear today that if you are in that dark place, what what Tiffany is saying? Yes, we can set our intentions. We can. We can talk to God. We can bring in all of our spiritual arsenal and our Verses and the word. If you need help, please, please, please, reach out to someone close to you, reach out to an emergency Professional. Call 911, call your doctor, call your psychiatrist.


Make sure that you are tapping into the resources that are readily available, because that that is a need for some additional support in that moment and something that, quite frankly, over the phone, as a life coach, as a psychotherapist, I may or may not be able to help you like. You need direct attention immediately. So if you are feeling suicidal, if you are feeling super depressed and in that space I do want you to reach out To someone do not feel like you have to handle it everything alone, but use this conversation, use what Tiffany is saying, use what we're saying today as a resource To help get you stronger right in those moments when you feel down and when you feel weak. Yeah, so I totally get. I totally get where you're coming from and what you're saying. I think we do have to be.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Right, yes, like the practice, like once you get to that point you have to put in like you said. It's an arsenal, all of my thing, all of my tools.


Oh, I love it.

Tiffany Nunnally:

And I kept going to my therapist. Let me say that as well, you know.


But all. But I love what you said about the gym too, because when we start like again we're in a new year and people start up with the whole gym thing, but like we go into the gym on the first day, we are not strong, come on.

Tiffany Nunnally:

You're not strong.


Right, we come in and we, we know we look at that way and say I ain't gonna be able to do that. We look at the you know the class or the treadmill and we say, you know, I'm not gonna be able to hang very long because you know, these legs, ain't they making the stallions need honey. We, you know, we got some work to do, but it's not until we continue to exercise those muscles, continue to lift, continue to try, just put one little foot in front of the other, go to the class, even if we don't last for five minutes, get on the treadmill, even if we have to walk instead of jog, instead of run, like we have to do a little something. And cumulatively which is what you're saying, that's what I'm saying as we continue to practice those things, hey, it becomes easier, not as hard. We see our progress and we feel so motivated. I always say, you know, motivation comes after action. Me too, I say motivation, motivation comes out.


Yeah, absolutely. And that just means that, you know, before we enter, cross the precipice into the gym, we don't feel like exercising, I don't feel like getting up off my couch. Okay, I, it's very cozy there. I've made it a whole scene. I've got my blankie, I have my. You know, my cup has a specific spot. I have the butt groove just the way I wanted it perched. Okay, it feels great. I don't have motivation to leave there. So when I'm thinking, am I motivated to go work out? No, I'm not, but I know that I have to. And after I've worked out, I feel more motivated to continue. And that's the same kind of spiritual muscle that I feel, like you're talking about. Like, as we start to dip our toe in, as we start to exercise those muscles, as we start to reach out to God and we see how that relationship works and we we see the benefit of it, we start manifesting.

Tiffany Nunnally:

See that muscle growing.


Let's see, let's get you to start intentioning.

Tiffany Nunnally:



Right. And then we're like, oh God, I love working out for me. Hey, your girl is okay, okay, the glow-up is real, okay. Then this then and other things in our lives start to like, align, and start to come into fruition. Then it starts to make sense. So, yes, we gotta practice it.

Tiffany Nunnally:

You gotta practice it. But if I can just say, you know like it is, it's amazing, like if you, if you do it over you, you hit the nail on it Over time. Can we just say that loud and clear for everybody? Just over time it takes time and like when you see you, when you see yourself saying things that you want and Didn't happen but it's, you start to see it Like I have seen checks show up for the same amount that I have written about in my Journaling, in my manifestation time and my time with God, where I'm writing this is what I want, I have the physical, you know, now showing up. So when you see that happening, just like in the gym, you see that muscle start growing, you in it, you, you, and so it's about being proactive and it's about knowing that these things take time.


And can I say one more thing? You can say as much as you want, because you asked me how do I help so when with the journals that I have?

Tiffany Nunnally:

you know I have these good days start with God journals, these devotional journals. Let's think about that same exercise practice right going to the gym. If you have a Coach and if you have your whole workout plan written out for you, you are more likely to do it. So with my clients and with people who I work with. They also have these journals that actually have all the scriptures, the worship music, recommendations, the examples to meditate all throughout the day or how to meditate throughout the day. So we have a resource in your hand, just like when you go to the gym and they give you what you need to work out and your coach is there giving you everything, you're more likely to do it continuous overtime and it builds your confidence and get it right. And get it right when all of that helps, that confidence building helps with our self care.


Yeah yeah. It does. I love that. I love that Cause I think you know we can get. I was gonna say we're gonna get off the gym but you know I was gonna move all the food Cause it feels it feels it's, you know, it's all. It all makes sense to me in that, like you can't just say, okay, I'm going to teach you how to cook but never give someone a recipe.


You know you just I mean everybody on learn by looking Some people do. But you know I need a reference. Yes, I need a reference. Listen, I've seen some of the things you cook honey. No.

Tiffany Nunnally:

I was gonna say, tim, I see you cooking, but I'm not picking up and doing what Tiffany doing in the kitchen, cause I don't work off singing. She got to write it all down for me and that's the thing, having a, having a resource where it's all you know and again I'm teaching those I would like to say spiritual self care, discipline of time with yourself. You know, you know, practicing gratitude, charduling reading connecting that type of thing. Prayer. Those are the practices and you have it in a tool to help you.


And what I? I guess the other thing that keeps coming up for me as you're speaking is that verse about faith without works being dead. And you know that it doesn't say faith without work, it's works, works, plural. And so I think oftentimes we we expect there, when we're trying this thing out and trying to connect with God and trying to do better spiritually, we think, okay, well, I'm gonna pray this one prayer and I wanna see if it works After doing it. This is one time, and it's the same analogy that we use for the gym, same thing with cooking. Yes, you can go to the gym one time, but you're not gonna see nothing different. Yes, it's works, works.


You have to put the works in right, you can't just cook a pound cake one time right and expect it to be the best pound cake ever you got to work at that time.

Tiffany Nunnally:

You got to work at that time.


You came fried chicken the first time and expect it to be the best chicken.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Especially if you've never fried before.

Tiffany Nunnally:

You know. So that's the thing If you haven't done a lie, you just gotta spend time with it. And I like, I tell my daughter, I say you know? I said practice brings progress. And in the same way, god does not want our perfection. What do you do? But there is magic. In progressing, there is beauty, there's growth. In progressing, there's growth, there is a perseverance and an endurance and a persisting despite difficulty that if we can just continue on, we're going to reap something so beautiful that's going to touch every part of our lives, and I think, as we talk about.

Tiffany Nunnally:

You know, like with self care, we usually reach for the self care when we're already tired. This is, you know, if we can be more proactive. And this is a part of what I do. I break, you know, after every two hours of sitting down from working, working from home. You know, I break, get up. That's a practice. I'm not getting tired so quick because I'm proactively and intentionally doing my self care every day, and so that's how I feel as it relates to spiritual health.


Every day I'm feeding my spirit intentionally before I get tired, because I know my spirit will always take me further than my body can always I want to bring something up to you, an idea, because I actually do want to come back to the journals, because I'm very intrigued by that and I think, our audience is too, but I think that some people could tune out of this conversation for a particular reason, and that reason would be church hurt.


Church hurt is a pain caused by or within a religious community, or a church community could be that a person might have felt, you know, pushed out or ostracized by their religious community, disowned, felt like you know the church term. They're back on me. When I was at my weakest, yeah, you know, I had a divorce and the church doesn't believe in that. I've even had some. My daughter goes to a Christian school and I have heard from another parent who used to go to the school and her and her partner, her husband, got divorced and that was something that they were like. You know, the school frowns upon that if we aren't married, it's going to be a problem, and I'm like that. Do you feel like you would be pushed out, you know, and I think that I think it's a very real thing, I think church hurt happened so often to people.


I kind of want to know, from your perspective as we're talking about getting finding our ways back to were, to God, right when you've had that type of hurt, especially from people who are supposed to be of that same faith, how do we reconcile that, how do you help people reconcile that, and what does God say?

Tiffany Nunnally:

about that. Yeah, I'm so glad you asked that question Because if I just know how much you care about people, you know, and I'm so glad you asked that question because that is truly from your heart. I just know you care about people and I care about people and we love people. So I'm so glad you asked this because a lot of people are hurting from church. One of the things that I would say to anybody that is experiencing church hurt is that people are flawed. People are not God. People are not God. We are flawed. I'm flawed.

Tiffany Nunnally:

We cannot wrap ourselves in putting our expectations in people. Even if they are people that are people of God, people of God right, even if they're people of the same faith, even if they are religious leaders that we trust and we love, they're still a man, they're still a woman, and we are flawed, all of us. And that is not to excuse anything that has been done to you or justifying it. All I want to do is encourage you and say they are not God and we have to be very careful in putting our entire hope into people. That's what I want to, the things that I would say to people and what the word of God says about it. That's a good question what the word God says. It says trust in the Lord with all your mind and all your heart and all your soul. It doesn't say trust in people. You know what I'm saying? Like, honestly, like, and I would just say that's where we go wrong.

Tiffany Nunnally:

And maybe that's where we go wrong. You know, and it is a natural thing to feel disappointment, it's a natural thing to feel hurt. You, a lot of us, are justified in our hurt and our disappointment. But don't let that turn you away from God, because to me, that does more damage. Right, that does more damage, because if it turns you away from God, then you're turning away from an anchor that is strong, that never changes, that is always trustworthy. When can we say in our lives that God has failed us? Even in the moment when I think about my mom passing right, I can find gratitude in this person that I am today that, honestly, I would not have been if I had not experienced that pain and, of course, I will want my mom back to experience it. But when I tell you what's happening now, with what I see with my daughter, what I see with my brother, just the, the, the multiplication of blessings, right and goodness, that's happened, that's happened from this place has shown me that God did not fail me then, right, that he did not fail me then, and he's still right there with you. He's been right there with me. There's always a place, something that we can find gratitude for, and so God's work. God is, god is trustworthy. God never changes. God never fails. We can trust his character, and it is just a truth that we have to live with that.

Tiffany Nunnally:

You know, sometimes people disappoint us, but people are people and people aren't God, and so I would just encourage that person to focus on relationship versus religion. I'm so big on that relationship relationship, relationship versus religion but I will say that there is beauty in the community and that God does a work when people are together. You need people. God works through people. Like you said, god works through therapists. He works through coaches. You know he gives us resources and tools. He's given us gifts for the benefit of helping others. So don't isolate yourself. This is a moment like anything else. This is a moment like anything else. It does not define the body of Christ or the church, right, and it does not define who God is, because if you look at your life, no matter what you've been through, I know you can find something where God has been good to you and where he has not failed you, and so it's not God, it's people, and we still need both.


We still need both. We still need both. We still need that connection and immunity we still need that anchor as well as well, and I love that.


This is where we are in the conversation, because one of the things that I love about you is that you've made the idea of you brought all of this stuff together in in two ways, two very distinct ways. You, you the idea of connecting to God on a daily basis. You've made that not that it hasn't always been accessible, because we've always been able to do this right, but you, you've made it accessible in a way where people can see how to incorporate it into their lives. You've written two journals Good Days Start with God and Good Days Start with God, and the second edition is Good Days Start with God and Goals. Let's talk because you did talk about them a little bit further. What was the impetus? Why did you create these journals? Why do we need these journals? Why, because we all need the journals.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Ok, oh well, we need the journals because we're lacking consistency with the time with God. Mostly all of us are, you know, like it's something I hear all the time, and we know that when everybody feels like we have a better day when we start, we got. Who doesn't feel that way? Our, we feel better, we respond to people better, you know, and we know we we most of us believe in the power of prayer. We believe that prayer changes things, and so that means that's something that we need to be doing consistently and we feel better, we respond better when we do it, and so that's why we need to do it.


That's a percent, I think anybody that goes to church that hasn't been to church and you feel like you go to church on that Sunday, that's Monday, that's Monday ever.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Yes, it is.


Right. So you're right. It all starts If you start your week that way, if you start your day that way. It can't like your. I feel like it's because your mind has already been put into perspective that it doesn't matter what happens, because it's going to be a good day. I started my day with the best intention, with the best interaction, communicating effectively, talking to God directly about what I want him talking to me and me listening that no matter what happens for the day, it's all good, it makes it better.

Tiffany Nunnally:

I like to think about it like this it's like putting on primer before you put the paint on, or putting on primer before you put your makeup on. It's going to look better. Like I put on primer today, I think I'm looking OK, you know what I'm saying. So it's like you put a little primer up under it.


I skipped the primer today, people. I skipped it, but it shouldn't have clearly, because that was listening. That was shade right there all day.

Tiffany Nunnally:

No, it's good. No, no, no. But I'm just thinking like, think about what the primer does Right, what the primer does the results is a better result.

Tiffany Nunnally:

The paint on the wall looks better when it's A better finish Right, and so, again, it's priming our hearts and our minds and our emotions when we go to church and when we have that time with God, and so it's like putting on the primer. So now my performance right Now, my how I feel it's better, you know it's better, I'm able to be better and do better, and so that's the beauty of the time with God. And you know, I created it to really give people an experience, because not only are we lacking consistency, right, but we're also like the experience is not intentional. The experience sometimes is like, ok, what am I going to read today? Right, and a lot of people I've noticed I got a lot of questions about man. I start my day with God, but by the time that email come across, it's gone. So I wanted to create something that will help them have a good morning but also teach them how to keep the word, hold on to it throughout the day, and so that's so it goes to a six step process.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Each of the journals and all of them target one specific area. So the process goes through of I am one spending time with myself, I'm quiet, then I'm going through worship and all of the scriptures are there, the journal prompts to help you get a deeper understanding and apply it to your life, and then how you meditate on that through the day. So me meditating it on through the day is like, intentionally, I'm going to call Tiff at five o'clock when I get off work and I'm going to talk to her about what I read. That's me keeping my mind on it, having a conversation, seeing what she has to say. So I give like these little fun meditation practices so you can hold on to that same energy, right that hold on to your primer all day long. And so I really enjoy the journals and those that use of seeing to be really enjoying it because it saves time. They're picking up the journals and they're annoying exactly what to do as soon as they sit time, sit, sit with God until if I actually have a third edition that's going to be released soon.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Yes, it's, perseverance starts with God, and so everything in here is teaching you how to persist, how to persist. Some of us are persisting, want to persist in our purpose. Some of us are persisting in relationship. We may be going through some hard time and we could possibly be facing divorce and we want to know what we should do, and so just persisting in prayer about that, or persisting and holding on and persisting in anything that we need and I think more than anything in this life, we have to have persistence to see what we want. Period come to pass, and so everything in here is focused on what the Word of God says as it relates to perseverance. How do we really do it? And the worship music all are songs that are talking about persevering through the journey of life. So you're keeping your mind on one subject area for 30 days. So it's a 30 day Bible experience focusing on one subject to get really strong in that area in persistence.


I love this. I love it, because whether you are in that category of people that feels like church hurt, I don't feel like I can connect to God in the way that I'm used to. This is an avenue for people to kind of get back in and start that connection again.


Without that pressure or while they're working through the herd they can grow their relationship with God and get to that understanding that you were talking about before, that God did not hurt you, the person hurt you, and making that separation a lot more clear. I love this. At the end of the 30 days or 60 days, let's say they get both journals right or 90 days, maybe they'll get all great yeah what do we expect? Are we done it like? Is that it?

Tiffany Nunnally:

no, so I have practice over. Yeah, so no, I have a Bible study. We meet every first Wednesday of each and every month. So it is a community. Right, it's a community, and there's wonderful things that happen in community. You learn from each other, you get to me like-minded people, you get to grow and faith together, we pray and and sometimes we even do some of the journal questions together. So you have a community that you are welcome to be a part of. I would love to see you there, but we meet every first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm eastern standard time and it's called a good month starts with God everything starts with God.


That's gonna be the title of the episode everything or that's gonna be the t-shirt. Yes, it should be. You better. You better get that merch now listen, I this episode is going to drop the first Wednesday in February. I believe that is February 7th, if I'm not mistaken, so it's prime time. What do they need to do in order to register? Because this evening, this evening, the day that this episode drops, this evening, you'll be having Bible study. Will that be too late for people to kind of jump online and register to do?

Tiffany Nunnally:

this with you. No, they can register. It's going to be a. There is a link actually in my bio. My instagram bio is tiffani nunnelly, t-i-f-f-a-n-y in you in in a lly. There's a link in the bio there where you can register. You register one time and you have access to all the Bible studies that we have and we will send you out a link an hour before Bible study time. That will have the link to actual actually into the Bible study and join the community fantastic.

Tiffany Nunnally:

It's Bible study free yeah, bible study is absolutely free. The journals are not free, but the journals are 29 and 99 for your journal and that includes your shipping and everything and you will have your journals sent to your house right, so I will be putting also in the show notes.


I'll be putting a link to Bible study. I'll be putting a link to each and every book in journal that Tiffany has. Every link will be linked in the show notes of this episode.


So you guys have no excuse not to purchase, not to join Bible study. It's all there and you know, specifically for anyone interested in adding the spiritual component to their vision board, to to making up, leveling right their, their vision boards and their goals for the year, this is the way to do it. Tiffany has brought the secret sauce. She's told us that that thing that we're missing, that one little thing that can elevate our year every 24. Yeah, it hits everything. This is the plug. This is the plug in good days start with God and goals and perseverance.


And Tiffany Nannily, tiffany, I can't thank you so. I thank you so much for just being a part of the program, for teaching us today, for giving us the scripture, giving us a reason to include God in our self-care plan. So if you out there are interested in purchasing the books, joining Bible study or just learning more about Tiffany Nannily, you can go to Tiffany Nannilycom. You can check out the show notes, because everything will be there. You can visit her on Instagram at Tiffany Nannily. Again, I'll have everything down in the show notes. But, tiff, I can't thank you enough for being here. Thank you so much for this.

Tiffany Nunnally:

It's always an honor. Thank you so much for having me and I hope this really helps your audience, and I look forward to seeing you all at Bible study and supporting you in any way I can. Tiffany, thank you so much for this hour.


Thank you. Thank you for being a blessing to me personally and just you know always being down to come talk about God and run your mouth about about God.

Tiffany Nunnally:

Thank you for being my friend since day one. I appreciate you so much Day one.


Let me tell you I met. I always like to tell stories about how I met people. I met Tiffany at her house. I was doing a training for a group that she was a part of and it happened to be facilitated at her home. And so, like I'm, I literally met her. It wasn't I just walked up in her house to help facilitate this little training, and she I mean just ever since I feel like I meet a lot of people that way that I just love and I can't imagine my life without. And you were one of those people we just randomly met and I was like, okay, she folk.

Tiffany Nunnally:

And we were in the kitchen together and I remember just looking up to you and just the work that you've done, just your, your resume is incredible. Guy has just favored you so much. And I just remember, like can I just sit at your feet and learn from you? You were like no, you're gonna be my friend and we have been friends since and I mean you just continue to pour in me and I just see everything we can do.

Tiffany Nunnally:

We support each other when they say, yeah, some women supporting each other. We have been, since the day we met, a true example of that yeah, and I believe I truly believe in that.


I believe I believe in you. You know that, um, from the from day one, and um, I'm that friend that if you ask me kind of like from a business perspective or from a like, how did you do this or what needs to be done, should I do this, should I do that, I'm gonna tell you. If I know, I'm gonna tell you and I I I just believe in you so much. And let me just give you a just for our audience here. You know, tiffany is a life coach. I'm a therapist. We do a lot of like cross work, right, a lot of the things that we do kind of overlap, but we're in we're in different fields, different areas. I specialize in sex, she specializes in spirituality, um, so there are different things. But one of the things I love about Tiffany is she wants to reach so many people and bring about the message that God has called on her life to bring to to so many people. She's so diligent about making sure she is, um, pouring into people in the most effective way, doing whatever she needs to do to get the credentials to do the you know to, to make sure that she's providing the service that she wants to provide, but not only her, but that God wants her to provide, right? So, if you have an opportunity to sit down with her, if you are, if you want to work on your relationship with God and work diligently and work strategically and really be thoughtful about the work that you're putting in, please, please, please.


This woman is the goat. She is the one like if I need a prayer, honey, she will pray down. Okay, do not listen. If you don't want to be prayed for over and through, don't ask this one, because she knows she got this praying spirit. Okay, she would throw a prayer like nobody's business. And I've called her for that because, like, sometimes I don't even know, but I might need a prayer and I might be. I don't know, I don't know. You know my line of God sometimes is shaky. He might answer my call, but I know he's gonna answer tips. Stop, let me just go ahead. I know, I know, I know he's gonna answer tips. Called because, honey, she know the right language, the right words, she know how to get through that call. Right, the direct line. Okay, that's the beauty of the friendship.

Tiffany Nunnally:

We're supposed to pray for each other.


We're supposed to go through that, yes yes, yes, and she is a praying woman.


So if there is something in your life that you feel like is missing, I I urge you to think about where your spiritual life is, if it could be better and if you need help with that, please reach out to our girl at Tiffany Nunley on Instagram. I know she will be able to help you and to pour into you, and if she is not the right person, she will tell you and will be able to point you in the right direction. I can't thank you all enough for spending time with us today. For more information about our guests again, please take a gander at the show notes and while you're at it, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to the podcast, and if you feel this episode really hits home for you, it's probably gonna hit home for others. Just please share it. Go ahead and send it over to your girl, to your boo, to your bestie, and tell them to take a gander at this and check out our girl, tiffany Nunley. That's it for us today. We'll see you next week, ciao.

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