Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff

Ep. 201: Intentional Living and Tackling Taboos with Dr. Tiff

January 17, 2024 Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry @DrTiffanieTV Season 2 Episode 1

Have you ever wondered how you could inject more intention and fulfillment into every facet of your life? That's the spirit of resilience and mindfulness that has been fueling my journey lately, and it's exactly what we're unpacking on our season opener of Intimate Details with yours truly, Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry. Join me as we explore the art of streamlining our digital presence to make every online move count, and the inspiration I've gleaned from past guests to monetize our passions in the most effective ways. We're not just talking business tactics; we're living them.

Let's address the elephant in the room: sexless marriages. It's a topic many shy away from, but not here, not today. My recent appearance on a friend's podcast opened up a floodgate of reactions, proving just how much you  (my audience) crave honest conversations about intimacy and relationship maintenance. I'm here to tell you that you're not alone and that these discussions can lead to transformative realizations and actionable solutions. Together, we'll continue to tear down taboos and build up connections.

Wrapping up, this season promises to be a beacon for those seeking to elevate their relationships and personal care beyond the superficial. We'll be guiding you through the intricacies of improving relationships and embracing self-care that truly serves us. From setting impactful intentions to fostering a thriving podcast community, you're an integral part of this journey. So, I extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and invite you to join me in a season brimming with transformative conversations that will undoubtedly set your world alight.

Additional Links:
 No Coins Left Behind with Tiffini Gatlin
All Things Joy with Mikaela Pabon
Wife'd Up Now What Podcast featuring Dr. Tiff
Viral Instagram Clip
Heavily Meditated with Dr. Tiff

Want to set KILLER INTENTIONS? Click here to send us your email and we'll help you get started.

Dr. Tiff is wearing the Cooper Progressive Lenses from Look Option in Gunmetal. You can find the here.

About Our Host:

Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff is hosted by Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry and produced by Rideia Wilson. Follow Dr. Tiff at @DrTiffanieTV on Instagram.

For media inquiries, feel free to email at If you're interested in supporting the podcast through sponsorship or wish to book your client to be featured on our program, email us at

All interviews are available for viewing on YouTube. Click the link below or tap HERE to WATCH EACH EPISODE!

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm so excited to be back on the season two premiere of Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. If this is your first time joining us, welcome. I am Dr Tiffanie Davis-Henry, a licensed psychotherapist, sex therapist, intimacy coordinator, host expert and other things. This is the first episode of the second season of Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. I'm so excited to be back. Oh my gosh, there's been a lot going on Really, really and truly. It's only been like four months, really only four months that I've been gone, but a lot has happened in the four months.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Today's episode I really just want to catch you up, welcome you back, catch you up and just kind of let you know what to expect moving forward and then also give you a little bit of information of the day, if you will. How's everybody been doing? Hope you've been doing well. Happy New Year Didn't get to say happy holidays, so happy holidays, happy New Year. I am hoping you're walking, strutting, if you will strutting into 2024 with the best intentions and just ready to just tackle any and every obstacle that may come your way. My prayer certainly is that no obstacles come your way, but certainly we live on earth, okay, and while we're alive. We will suffer a few obstacles, have to jump a few hurdles, and all of that is okay because we will be walking into this next season with excellent intentions and just being prepared to take on whatever comes our way, right, right, so, hello, I'm back.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Like I said, it's been like four months or so since our last episode and, while y'all feel like I might have just fallen off the face of the earth, she's been here the whole time. She's been here, she's been living, she's been traveling, doing lots of stuff and really just kind of practicing what I preach, you know, taking very good care of myself doing. You know I've had the opportunity and pleasure to go to Mexico during that time. I've done LA, I've done Jamaica. If you follow my personal Instagram @Dr Tiffanie TV, you've seen some of that stuff really and really and truly.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Y'all, I do appreciate you guys following me on intimate details podcast. Follow me on @Dr Tiffanie TV too, because then you get my personal business and the things that I talk about. That I don't talk about on podcasts, but where it's at, honestly, is in my stories, because I don't get too too personal in my feed. But my opinion, my essence of humor, the things that tickle me, the things that I'm passionate about, usually land somewhere in my story. So if you want more insight into who I am, what I am, what I do, what I find funny and what I'm pissed off about, those things typically will land in my stories @Dr Tiffanie TV. So, yeah, done a lot of traveling.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Also done a lot of rebranding and really thinking long and hard about my businesses and things like that. I've gone into great detail. The first episode of the first season of Intimate Details with Dr. Tiff to just kind of give you a rundown of who I am and all the things that I do professionally and some personally. So if you're new to the podcast and new to me, again welcome, but go back and listen to the first episode of the first season because that's going to give you a good overview of Dr Tiff.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

So in the last four months I've really been thinking about how I wanted to move forward into this new year, into 2024, the things that I really wanted to work on more professionally and personally and, quite honestly, how to diversify and monetize those things so that the work doesn't seem so much like work. Work seems a little less like work the more you get paid for it. At least that's how I feel. I feel, like, you know, there are a lot of things that I do for fun and would do whether I was getting paid or not, but it sure is nice to get a nice check for those things that you enjoy doing and would be doing anyway. And so I've been really creative. I've taken, I've listened we had some excellent guests in the first season and a few that came on and talked to us about different ways to make money and I've taken some of those principles that I've learned from guests like Tiffini Gatlin, owner of Latched and Hooked, guests like Mikaela Pabone of Dressed in Joy. They both graced us with an interview last season and really dropped some nuggets and words of wisdom on how to, I guess, monetize different aspects of things that you're already doing, different ways to make money. And so I looked at those episodes, listened to those episodes and really, you know, thought about ways in which you know I could be doing a little bit more with what I already have, the content I already have in my phone, the trips that I'm taking, the experiences that are already, you know, within the realm of my life nothing extra, but making something extra out of those things. So I've been doing a lot of that and then and then and then, and this is where you guys come in and where the podcast comes in.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

The other thing that I've been really focused on is being kind of I don't want to say niching down, because I resist the urge to niche down and I know that it is important from a social media perspective, in especially as a content creator is super important to kind of niche down. I do agree with that. However, it's super hard for me Surprise the girl with 20 jobs, that is super hard to do one thing. Yeah, no, it is super hard for me to kind of niche down, but I really have been trying to pare down my, my web presence, the websites, the all of the offerings that I have, so that I'm just doing so. I'm being very strategic about the content at which I put out, but also as I'm trying to garner partnerships and collaborations. It's a little bit easier when you are, when you do kind of pigeonhole yourself in those little boxes or silos, because you become known for those things and what. Really. I've always resisted that, but the thing that kind of pushed me over the edge in the last four months is I had.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

You know I I haven't been doing nothing right, I've been visiting other podcasts. You know, if someone asked me to, you know, appear on a show or do something like that, as an expert I do those things as well and that's been really fun. But I did appear on a podcast and the podcast was oh my gosh, how am I forgetting this? Where's my phone? The podcast was with a friend of mine, Koereyelle, and it's on the grown woman TV network, which we should probably have Koereyelle on the podcast this season because she's an amazing, amazing woman with just a phenomenal story, going from being a teacher to just a serial entrepreneur, entrepreneur, but in a way that has really elevated and helped so many women. You know, just be bosses, be bosses. So the name of the podcast is wiped up. Now what it's on Apple YouTube plus Roku, so you can watch it as well.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

But I I talk with them about their podcast is all about Now that you are a wife, like you know, as, as women, you know, some of us some, not all perhaps aspire to get married one day and really are as we transition into wife hood, you know, maybe having an adjustment. Like I, this was the goal. I wanted to be a wife, but now, like, how do I do this wife thing? I don't. I don't necessarily may or may not have a model for how to do that. I mean, I know what I need to do, but I want this to be successful, and so that's what their podcast is about. It's very fun and I had the opportunity to be a guest on that podcast, so I'm going to bring this around the bar and promise. So I had an opportunity to sit in and talk with them and one of the things that and I'll put a link to it down in the show notes so you guys can go back and and look at it and visit it and get show them some love.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

One of the things that was asked of me during this podcast was about sexless marriages. Now you know we talked a little bit about sex and you guys know that I'm a sex therapist. Sex expert traveled all over the United States in in the Caribbean to speak with folks about sex, sexuality issues, all of that kind of stuff. I'm sorry y'all I y'all who hear me sniffling, I'm going all over the place. Today I got a real it in. When I'm nervous or when I'm anxious, my nose starts to run. So that's one telltale sign when you know I'm super excited or nervous, or anxious, my nose starts to run. Same thing happened to me when I was giving my dissertation. So anyway, back to that podcast.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Okay, so they asked about sexless marriage and I was answering that question and I did. They took a sound bite from that question and posted it and as I live and breathe today, you know, looking at the insights, that particular post had 167,000 views as of today. 167,000 views by far the most views I have on anything on my timeline. And it was a collaborative post. So it's not just my, it wasn't just exposed to like my audience, it was theirs as well. But I was exposed to a lot more people who did not know me.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

I think what I learned from that experience in having such a humongous response to the content that was in that particular like one minute clip is that people are interested in this information and I don't know why I didn't know that. I mean, I do know that. I know that people wanna hear about relationships. I don't know that they wanna hear about sex in their relationships and intimacy and how to maintain their relationships. I guess what I had, if I'm being honest, what I had maybe not put enough value in is my part in that, in imparting that wisdom and giving that information. It's something that I do without thinking, and you know they say that if you're trying to think about a course or a digital product or some sort of offering that you wanna charge for, it's usually the thing that you do without thinking that you think, oh, people don't need to know this because nobody's gonna pay to know this, because it's common knowledge, or I do this. It's not something that I think is a value. Of course I know it's a value because people come to me they pay me to do this all the time but in that interview I was just talking.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

They asked the question, I answered it and it was just a thing. They reposted that particular clip and, like I said, we're at 167,000 views on this one clip and I'm like, okay, I started to dissect it. Whenever you have a content that goes like that, you really do want to look at it, dissect it and figure out. Okay, what is it about this particular piece of content that people are responding to? Is it the fact that I'm gorgeous? That wasn't it, and I'll tell you, that particular day I had, I was in the midst of having, I felt, the worst that I've felt, probably all year.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

I was in the midst of having a horrible ear infection, so I could only hear out of one ear. I was hoping that that didn't come across. Of course, I'm sniffling because I'm nervous, because that's what I do, and I just I was. I wasn't, I didn't feel that I was at my A game for this particular interview, but I had committed to doing it. So I showed up because that's what we did, and so I looked back and I'm like, okay, what is it about this particular interview that people are responding to, that people are hungry for that, they are gravitating towards Because I'm also seeing that in the analytics.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

I'm seeing that they're not just watching it one time, they're watching it multiple times and they're sharing it and they're saving it. So this is something that was crucial, crucial enough for them, important enough for them to share it with people that they're involved with or that they love or that might need the information, critical enough that they want to remember it, retain it. So they watch it more than one time, they're reposting it, all of those things. So what I came up with was there was, I believe there was some takeaway there in that little clip and, like I said, I will put a link to the clip and also the actual full episode so you can see both of those. Um, you know, I think it was a takeaway, I think it was a subject matter.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Um, what was funny to me about this particular clip across, you know they, if you, if you're someone who does social content creation and all of that, you know that one of the important things that they tell you to always have is some sort of hook the um verbiage or lettering on top of whatever your real is, which basically hooks someone, who most people, when they're scrolling, you know, on Instagram, they're not listening with the sound on, but if you have some word images there that are that are telling you what's being said, you're more likely to tap there so you can hear the audio. So what they had across the front of the reel was sexless marriage. Now, in this clip I don't really talk about sexless marriage. The clip is not about sexless marriage, but the caption had some information that I had given within the realm of this conversation on sexless marriage and I think that that was part of what drew people in.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

It wasn't necessarily it was the content, but it was the fact that they thought they were clicking on to figure out, okay, what the hell is a sexless marriage? And how do I not? How? How do I make sure I don't have one? And if I do have one, I need to know how to fix it. So it grabbed people and then, I think, they stuck around for the content and were and were truly, I guess, inspired, impressed or needed more information, right? So I just thought like, okay, if this is what my people want and I have it, I must give it and I must give it more abundantly, more freely, I must, like I need to, I need to double down on it and I need to take ownership of it Because, again, this wasn't my podcast, this was someone else's podcast, and your girl has a history of showing up for others, more I don't, I won't say more than I show up for myself.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

But what I do have a history of is showing up on someone else's program and them understanding what they're getting when they hire me or bring me on as an expert. And I know that they understand what they're getting because they ask me back. You know I don't just go on. You know a GMA or a Today Show one time been multiple times, you know. So I understand that they understand my value and my worth and my knowledge. I think that I might have undervalued my worth and my knowledge Because I don't lead with that. If you know me personally, you know that like I cringe.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

I'm doing the introduction now because it's what's kind of required as a host of a podcast. I need to tell you who I am, I need to tell you why what I have to say is important and I need to build trust, you know, with you guys as an authority, as an expert. I think when I have to promote myself, it is really difficult for me. People are surprised when I say that I'm an introvert, and it's true, because the idea of self promotion is always kind of like something that I shy away from. I'm not very comfortable with it, which is why the profession of being a psychotherapist is really great for me, because it's not about me, right, but in business, in business and things that we want to do, we do have to step outside of ourselves and understand that we me, I am the business and so I have to promote me, the business. So, in terms of what I want to do and how I want to proceed.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

In this new iteration of Intimate Details with Dr Tiff, in this new iteration of @Dr Tiffanie TV, on my Instagram and even my websites, I'm really honing down on two things, two things. Two things. Two things we are going to work on this year, this season, in this podcast, and you'll see this consistently in all of my other offerings, because these two things are super critical, one of which was kind of brought on by that particular post going viral, if you will, and just the feedback that I've gotten so far since that time and the type of content that I've been putting out and what's being reaffirmed. So there are two things that we're working on here, two pillars that you're going to see as really kind of reiterating over this season in Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. The first is relationship enhancement.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Obviously right, we got to focus on relationships, how to enhance our relationships, and this isn't just we won't just be talking about romantic relationships. These are all relationships. So it could be relationships with your family, relationships with your children, relationships with your parents, relationships with coworkers and friends, obviously intimate relationships, romantic relationships and your relationship with self, spiritual relationships, more connectedness, all of those things. So if there is some relationship repair, that needs to happen, if there is some relationship improvement that needs to happen, if there is relationship evaluation, that needs to happen, and also dissolution, if there are relationship changes that need to be adjusted or managed, those are the things that we're going to be talking about, because I believe that we need to work diligently and strategically, intentionally on enhancing our relationships, because our relationships are a huge part of our lives, our well-being, our growth in our development. So, relationship enhancements, first pillar. Second pillar is intentional self-care.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Y'all know I am a self-care pusher. I love self-care. I love for us to be, I would love for us all to be more intentional about our self-care. I think that Many of us think about self-care as oh, I'm gonna go get my nails done or my hair done or take a hot bath, and while those things are fine, they were probably things you're gonna do anyway. And while you're doing those things, you're probably multitasking and not really being present in the moment while those things are happening.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

When I say intentional self-care, I want the self-care to be goal directed. I want your self-care setting an intention and we'll talk about this a little bit I want it to be something that you're going into the experience with a specific expectation on how you will improve, how you will feel, how you will come out better after having participated in whatever self-care experience that you have. We have to be more intentional about our self-care At this stage in our lives, at this big age, we must be laser focused on taking the absolute best care of ourselves for longevity, for just quality of life. We have to. We don't have the luxury of not taking better care of ourselves in 2024. It's just, it's non-negotiable. So, relationship enhancement, intentional self-care the episodes that are coming out and coming forth on this season of Intimate Details with Dr Tiff, they're going to be centered around one of those two things, and you're gonna hear me talk about both of those two things throughout the season, because that is where I'm coming from.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

As last season, as last, just as last season, I'm super intentional about the individuals and guests that I invite on the podcast, because I want them to bring. I want them to bring it, but I want them to. I want them to be aligned, I want their messaging, I want their interviews to be aligned with what you're coming here for. And so I'm telling you now, right, I'm telling you now. This is a podcast that is all about setting killer intentions and intentionally really focusing in on our self-care. This is a podcast that is about ways in which we can enhance our most important relationships. That's what you're gonna be getting from this season of Intimate Details with Dr Tiff. So in saying all that, and before we go today, I want to make sure that I give you a free resource that I've also created during the break.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

So, another thing that I've worked on during this time, as I've been looking at ways in which we can I can revamp and kind of consolidate all of the things that I've been doing. One of the things that I love doing and we did a couple of times I think at least two episodes of last season were on meditation. That's something that I really like to do. I've long created meditations for my clients and used to do hypnosis back in the day, which is a whole nother subject, but no meditation I really love, and so, having done that for you guys on the podcast, go back and listen to season one. There's some great meditations there I decided that that was a digital product that I wanted to start offering to those of you who are a member of the website and follow or follow over on social or any of that stuff. So I created a couple of meditations in that time period. But as we closed out 2023, looking into 2024, one of the things that I wanted us to do is to start setting intention Now.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

You guys know many of us do resolutions at the beginning of the year January, big vision board month. People are having vision board parties and laying out their clippings and all of the things that they wanna do and accomplish in the coming weeks, months, years. I don't wanna say that I don't believe in resolutions and I don't wanna say that I don't see the value in vision boards, because I see the value in both. What I think is a little problematic and doesn't necessarily always the reason why those things don't always work out. I'm not saying that you should do them, because I definitely think they have value and I definitely think you should, but the reason why some of us don't stick to those things and the reason why we don't see those things come to fruition is because we set in and forget it.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

I think that sometimes, especially with resolutions, we'll say something like, hey, I wanna lose weight right Beginning of January, but then we don't really craft a plan for losing said weight. You can't just say I'm gonna lose weight and then be like I'm gonna lose weight but I gotta finish eating what's in my refrigerator or my pantry. I just went to the grocery store. It's fully stocked, you know. Or I'm not gonna meet with my doctor to discuss my numbers, like I just know I need to lose weight. I'm not gonna do any of that kind of stuff.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

I'm not necessarily setting short-term goals, the short-term goals that you need to accomplish the long-term goal, which was what you put on your vision board or what the resolution is. So all I'm saying is, if we're going to set resolutions, if we're going to go the avenue of vision boarding or any of that kind of stuff, that we need to be super intentional about the goals that we're setting for ourselves and give us small milestones along the way of setting those goals. So back to the weight loss example. And I'm not saying that anybody needs to lose weight, okay, not saying that. You have your goals, you know what they are. But if we're using weight loss as an example, perhaps I set a monthly goal, not just I want to lose 15 pounds, or I want to lose 20 pounds by the end of the year. Whatever that is, but saying you know what?

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

In January I'm going to make a point to meet with my doctor, talk to him about my weight, discuss what a healthy weight would be for me, get blood draw and levels done on all of my numbers so I know exactly where I am when I start. That is all I'm going to commit to doing for January. Not to say that you can't do more than that, but I've made it a goal that I can actually see myself attaining Because really, all I got to do is show up. I got to call the doctor and make an appointment and show up. Then in February, I may say, okay, I'm going to ask my doctor for some referrals to perhaps a nutritionist, perhaps a weight management coach or a health coach. I'll ask my doctor if there are some supplements and vitamins that I need to be on, or explore any other types of support and initiate contact and set up meetings and do what you need to do with those folks. Right, that's your February goal.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Then, march, march, march, perhaps you set a different goal. Okay, I'm going to start by setting my move app on my phone and making sure that I do hit a certain number of steps, because those number of steps are correlated with maybe one pound a month or something like that. So I'll start doing that in March. I will start trying to clear out I'm going to start, also in March, clearing out every piece of crap that's in my pantry, things that can or are unopened and can be donated. I'm going to donate them. I'm going to replace everything. Anything that I move out, I'm going to replace it with a healthier option. All of those things, all of those things.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

So you're setting up monthly goals rather than the one big goal, because that big goal is getting you lost in the sauce. That big goal is having you feeling overwhelmed because you didn't set those small goals. So when I say being intentional, what I mean is letting the universe, letting God, letting the people around you know what you expect to happen positively in your life. Right, it's not just that I'm going to lose weight, it's that I am going to feel better, having lost the weight. I am going to lose it with ease. I am going to look in the mirror and tell myself how beautiful I see myself as being, no matter what weight I weigh. I'm going to encourage myself and understand that this is not going to be the easiest process, but I've done hard already in other areas of my life, so I know that I can overcome this. We're going to speak positively to ourselves, we're going to give ourselves grace and we're going to understand that we can do it. We can achieve it, but we have to set an intention in order to do so.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

So the one thing that I did create over this, I'd be going around the barn honey off on tanges. So the one thing that I did I created several things, but there is an absolutely free resource that I will put in the bottom of the show notes for you, and it is all about setting intentions setting not just intentions, but killer intentions that slay the day, because it's not enough to set an intention and say, hey, I want to do this, but like, let's make it pop, let's make it pop, let's make it. The best intention that you could possibly set. So you're going to learn about with this free resource is a series of probably, I think, three emails. Three emails, that's it. So I'm not bombarding you with a whole bunch of emails, but when you sign up, you'll get the first email, and that first email is all about the benefits of setting intention. The second email is about key elements of setting intentions, so I'm not even just telling you, like I did just now, like OK, here's an intention. I'm giving you, step by step, the languages you need in order to set killer intentions, intentions that just absolutely make your day great. The third and final email in the series is an offer for a humongous discount, an absurd discount, on the my guided meditation, which is dancing out of bed, and that is a meditation for setting killer intentions First thing in the morning.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

If you give me like I think it's 12 minutes, I'm only asking you to wake up 12 minutes earlier Now, as someone who hates getting up in the morning hates. If I can do this, you can do this. Ok, just get up 12 minutes early, set your intent. You listen to the meditation. When you're done with it, you'll be able to write your intentions out and you will be able to move forward in your day with purpose, with direction, with guidance, with knowing that everything, everything is going to work out just fine, if not better, because you've already set the intention.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

And it doesn't mean the bad things won't happen right. It doesn't mean that, if you set your intention, you won't get into a car accident. If you set your intention, you won't be late for work. What it does mean is I've set my intention. So I know that, no matter what bad happens to me, no matter how many stop lights I hit, no matter if I get pulled over for speeding or whatever that I know all of it is happening in order to protect. Perhaps I got pulled over because I was going too fast, and the universe, god, my higher self, did not want me to get into an accident and just wanted me to sit quietly and breathe for a few minutes, right?

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

So understanding what intention is, the benefits, the key elements and the ability to meditate your way through and have a killer, killer, killer, awesome day. So I'll put that information in the show notes as well. And that's it, guys, like we've got a great season ahead Some amazing interviews, some beautiful people who are really doing the Lord's work, honey, and sharing their experiences with us so that we can get through the great season With us, so that we can learn through him. I do believe that the bulk of what we experience is not about us at all. It's about others and what others can learn through our testimonies and through our experiences. So understand that when you hear the stories that you will hear in the coming, in the education, the information that you hear in the coming weeks on Intimate Details with Dr Tiff, it's all here for you. It's all here for you. We've been very, very diligent, in particular, about curating the guests and experiences that you'll have so that they do fall into those two pillars that we talked about the relationship enhancement and intentional self-care, because those are two pillars that I believe are super important to you your health and well-being.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

I want to thank you for listening to this first episode back first episode of season two of Intimate Details with Dr Tiff Podcast. You can find us on all of the podcasting platforms the Spotify, the Amazon Music, apple. You can also watch. That was a big thing last season and I wanted to make sure that we were able to do that again this season the ability to be able to watch our podcast as well as listen, so you can get in where you fit in. If you're someone who doesn't necessarily listen the moment it comes out, but likes to turn it on while you're cleaning the house on a Saturday morning, we're here for you. We love that. Come clean my house on a Saturday morning. I love that too. But, yeah, listen wherever you can, because chances are we are there and also view the podcast. You can view it on Spotify. You can view it on YouTube as well. Our podcast is on YouTube as well. Just follow us at Intimate Details Podcast over on Instagram or Facebook. You can also follow me @Dr TiffanieT V.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry (Dr. Tiff):

Don't forget to like this episode, comment, because this is a community we're trying to build here. I would like to talk to my people, comment, share our podcast with those who you think can benefit from it, and then certainly subscribe, because that is how we can keep doing the things that we're doing and putting out the content that we're putting out. So I love you so much. Thank you so much for being patient with me while I got my shit together and it came back. I made it back. I made it back and I thank you for listening to me ramble today and just know that the episode is to come. You're fire, fire, fire, they're fire, and I love you. All right, ciao.

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